The smart mobile user shouldn’t overlook Linux. The question is, which distro should you pick? You’ll get a different answer depending who you ask.
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Sporadic NAEV Newsletter Vol. 1
An update on the project's progress over the last several months.
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Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectX/Direct3D
It's common geek wisdom that standards-based websites, for instance, trounce Silverlight, Flash, or ActiveX. Cross-platform development is laudable and smart. No self-respecting geek enjoys dealing with closed-standard Word documents or Exchange servers. What kind of bizarro world is this where engineers are not only going crazy over Microsoft's latest proprietary API, but actively denouncing its open-standard competitor?
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ClanBomber arcade game lives on as Granatier
If you played ClanBomber, you may have noticed that it is no longer maintained. Granatier is a ClanBomber clone which in turn is a Bomberman clone. Currently Granatier implements everything from Clanbomber, except the AI. The default ClanBomber maps are also included. Granatier will be released on February 9 as part of KDE Software Compilation 4.4
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Linux Gaming: Are We There Yet?
Over the past few years, there has been a common question on the Linux vs. Windows desktop front: does the Linux desktop have the ability to play various major release games, and if so what is the performance difference between the two?
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FOSGames: A Look at Syntensity
When first looking at Syntensity, one might infer that it is an FPS game. Nothing could be further than the truth. Syntensity's main achievement is the Intensity Engine, which is a significantly modified version of the Sauerbraten/Cube2 Engine with a focus on online content.
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There is a hidden game in the Openoffice Spreadsheet program Calc, the game is an Easter Egg that let’s you play a simple version of Space Invaders, titled StarWars Galaxy, so if you are working with openoffice and you need a break, you do know what to do ;).
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CrossOver Games 8.1.0 beta 1 adds Left 4 Dead 2 support
CodeWeavers has posted the first beta of CrossOver Games 8.1.0, a significant update to the company's virtualization software. The program runs Windows games within Mac OS, Linux and FreeBSD potentially eliminating the need to dual boot, or even own a copy of Windows. Version 8.1.0 is concentrated on support for Left 2 Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2
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PlayOnLinux 3.7 has been released
The changes brought by PlayOnLinux 3.7 are:
- Right-clicking directly on A application is now possible.
- The ability to change an application's icon.
- The ability to access very quickly the installation directory of an application.
- The ability to stop all the applications run by PlayOnLinux at once.
0 A.D. Promises Real Gaming for Ubuntu
And now a brief break from business-oriented coverage on WorksWithU. As a history Ph.D. student by day and free-software geek by night, I find that my poles of interest rarely converge. That's why I was so excited when the real-time historical strategy game 0 A.D.
Read more »OpenArena from Libregamewiki, the Free Gaming Encyclopedia
OpenArena is a FPS game intended to be a free replacement for the proprietary Quake III Arena. Both the media and the game are licensed under the GPLv2.[1][2] The latest version of the game is version 0.8.1 released on October 31th, 2008.[3] The OpenArena project was established on August 19, 2005, the day after the id Tech 3 GPL source code release.
Read more »Linux games mega collection - Part 7
Welcome to the seventh Linux gaming compilation. The long-awaited Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is finally here. Then, there's the masterpiece UFO: Alien Invasion, a remake of the legendary UFO: Enemy Unknown. Fans of board games, including 3D board games, will also like today's choices. Racing fans won't be left in the dry, either.
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Just Say No: How Drugs Affect Computer Gaming AI
War is Hell. Unless you're not all there ;) This soldier needs to snap out of it ;)
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DRM and the Nintendo DSi
"It’s rare that people are familiar with both free software and gaming, so I feel I ought to offer my opinion here. Everyone knows that Nintendo has been shouting about its “new” handheld console. With not one but two shiny new cameras, larger screens and hopefully better batteries than the DS Lite, what’s not to like about the DSi? ..."
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Linux game console ready to ship
Envizions announced that it is taking orders for an open-source Linux gaming system, and will start shipping beta units to game developers, resellers, and software partners on April 10.
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