

Lutris: A New Universal Gaming Platform for Linux is in Development

Lutris is a new gaming platform for Linux that aims at providing easy game installation, configuration and launching system for games. It is different from other services like PlayOnLinux as it integrates a large number of games from a number of different systems that includes console emulators also.

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Created by Dart 13 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 13 weeks ago
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Wine 1.3.10 Released

The Wine development release 1.3.10 is now available. What's new in this release. Support for notification balloons in system tray. Obsolete AudioIO sound driver removed. More work on ActiveX support. Various MSI fixes. Preloader now used for 64-bit too. Translation updates. Various bug fixes.

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Created by twickline 13 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 16 weeks ago
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winetricks 20101222 released

Dan Kegel released winetricks 20101008 today. new verbs icodecs, msnasn1, opensymbol, wmi, xmllite; removed obsolete verbs audioio, dcom98, eadm, urlmon

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Created by twickline 13 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 16 weeks ago
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Wine 1.2.1 Released

The Wine maintenance release 1.2.1 is now available. The source is available now, Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

Whats new in this release:

* Translation updates.
* Various bug fixes.

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Created by twickline 13 years 27 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 27 weeks ago
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Direct3D 10 and 11 Is Now Natively Implemented On Linux

Luca Barbieri made a rather significant commit today that adds a state tracker dubbed "d3d1x", which implements the Direct3D 10/11 COM API in Gallium3D. Luca says this is just the initial version, but its already working and can run a few DirectX 10/11 texturing demos on Linux at the moment.

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Created by twickline 13 years 30 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 30 weeks ago
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Stamping out Wine 1.2

Everyone in the Wine community is driving to release Wine 1.2 the newest and best version of Wine.

Its been two years since Wine 1.0, and weve really made huge strides. This version will include the beginnings of genuine 64-bit support, along with major Direct3D improvements, and improvements in a huge number of other areas.

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Created by twickline 13 years 41 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 41 weeks ago
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Google gives Windows the boot and opts for Mac and Linux

With Apples market share growth increasing you really dont see a lot of companies moving from Windows-based computers to Macs. Sure, you will find mixed environments, with Macs predominantly in the creative departments. But, you dont typically see a complete departure from Windows. Well, Google is making the move from Windows based computers to Macs and Linux based computers.

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Created by twickline 13 years 46 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 45 weeks ago
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Why there is a Market for Linux Games

Alright - enough speculation and assumptions, lets look at some cold hard numbers. Two recent games that had successful Linux ports would be 2DBoys World of Goo and Frictional Games enumbra Series. 2DBoy reported that since they released their Linux port of the game 10% of their total game sales have been for the Linux platform.

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Created by twickline 13 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 49 weeks ago
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Wine 1.1.41 Released

The Wine development release 1.1.41 is now available.

What's new in this release:

  • A wide range of Direct3D improvements.
  • Support for SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 algorithms.
  • A number of MSHTML fixes.
  • Support for mp3 decoding on Mac OS X.
  • Various widl improvements.
  • More typelib fixes.
  • OLE storage improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.
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twickline's picture
Created by twickline 14 years 4 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 4 weeks ago
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Bordeaux 2.0.0 for Solaris and OpenSolaris Released

The Bordeaux Technology Group released Bordeaux 2.0.0 for Solaris today. Bordeaux 2.0.0 marks major progress over older releases. With version 2.0.0 and onward we bundle our own Wine build and many tools and libraries that Wine depends upon. With this release we bundle Wine 1.1.36, Cabextract, Mozilla Gecko, Unzip, Wget and other support libraries and tools.

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Created by twickline 14 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 12 weeks ago
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ReactOS Arwinss to use more Wine code

ReactOS was meant as a free and open-source operating system. But after 11 years in development it never reached a satisfactory level of usability. Due to lack of developers, reimplementing the Win32 subsystem proved to be complex. Given the deficiencies in ReactOS developer Aleksey Bragin decided to rewrite it from scratch using Wine source code.

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Created by twickline 14 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 12 weeks ago
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DNS Benchmark with Wine

Internet browsing is a huge part our daily lives. No matter where we are we are bound to have contact with the internet in one form or another, and thus when we need it we want/need it to be as fast and as responsive as possible.

Before I get into how to find the fastest DNS for you, you need to know what a DNS is. DNS stands for Dynamic Naming Service.

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Created by twickline 14 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 16 weeks ago
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HOWTO Setup Steam Version of Crysis on Ubuntu

In one of my previous posts I mentioned I had the game Crysis running successfully under Cedega with a few native dll over rides. Today I am going to detail the few hoops you will need to jump through if you wish to get Crysis running on Linux.

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Created by twickline 14 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 16 weeks ago
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Wine-Reviews and Bordeaux T-shirts now available at

Wine-Reviews and Bordeaux T-shirts now available at Well, first, our T-shirts are free as in speech but not as in beer, I mean, you can wear them orwards, backwards and sideways, and we will not sue you for sharing them with your friends. We think different, and give preference to quality over amount of colours.

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Created by twickline 14 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 16 weeks ago
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How Necessary Is Windows Part 5 Crossover

After 16 years of dogged work, Wine actually works pretty well. Part of its success is due to a remarkable cooperation between the Wine project and a commercial software house in St. Paul named Codeweavers. Codeweavers sells a $40 deployment, management utility for Wine called Crossover, which basically makes Wine noob friendly.

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Created by twickline 14 years 20 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 20 weeks ago
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