On security, customization, hardware, reliability, and price, Linux blows Apples contender out of the water. Not to mention respecting the basic users' freedoms to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software.
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How Necessary Is Windows Part 5 Crossover
After 16 years of dogged work, Wine actually works pretty well. Part of its success is due to a remarkable cooperation between the Wine project and a commercial software house in St. Paul named Codeweavers. Codeweavers sells a $40 deployment, management utility for Wine called Crossover, which basically makes Wine noob friendly.
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Control Issues: Why Apple Doesn’t Want You to Use Linux
Boy, what a tempest I discovered when I posted last week about my disillusionment with Apple Computer and my ongoing migration from OS X to the new and well-reviewed Windows 7. This week I’ve been taking a closer look at Linux.
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Is the Linux Desktop Too Much Like Windows, Mac OS X?
A complaint you hear quite often is that the Linux desktop environments, which mostly refers to KDE and GNOME, are trying too hard to be like Windows and Mac OS X.
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David Versus Two Goliaths
Apple will release its OS X 10.6 “Snow Loepard” in September and not long after, on October 22nd, Microsoft’s Windows 7 will be released. A week later Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala” is scheduled to be unleashed.
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Windows 7, Mac OS X and Ubuntu: A Tale of Three Operating Systems
In a couple of weeks I’ll be switching my main computer back to Ubuntu from Windows 7. But the reason isn’t exasperation with Windows 7, and it’s not one that should give Mac fans hoping that the new Microsoft OS will be a failure any kind of comfort.
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OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta on the Mac vs. NeoOffice 2.2.3
OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta is now out, and available to download. It has been a long time coming now, and one of the big new features being trumpeted is native Mac support.
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Linux Blog Safari: Who's King of the Jungle?
Linux fans love to debate the pros and cons of myriad technologies, but none more than operating systems -- and you can bet the usual winner isn't based in Redmond or Cupertino. This week the question was raised once again on Slashdot, spurred by a Linux Magazine comparison of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Mac OS X Leopard and drawing well nigh 600 comments by Friday. Which operating system is King of the Jungle is a question that no doubt will continue to be debated as long as a jungle exists, but that doesn't mean the debates can't get heated now, too.
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Making your Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop look like MAC OS X Leopard
Even though these days it's possible to run Hackintosh on normal Intel hardware, but still it's not stable and well there are hardware compatibility issues. So well other alternative to using MAC OS is either to purchase MAC hardware(which would be naturally expensive) and run full fledged MAC OS or you could tweak and customize your Ubuntu desktop to look more like MAC OS X.
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