

Banshee May Put Ubuntu, Canonical At Risk


Banshee is going to be the default music player for Ubuntu which makes me worry. Banshee is based on the controversial Mono technologies developed by Novell employees. Richard M Stallman has warned against Mono and C# which applies to Banshee as well.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 13 years 30 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 30 weeks ago
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Red Hat Converts C# Code to Java While Apple Outright Rejects C#


Very encouraging new signs that Mono/C#, Flash, and Silver Lie are being buried in an age of standards and resentment against software patents

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 20 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 20 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

On Patents, Promises and 'Ugly' Patches


For some, Redmond's decision to apply its "Community Promise" to C# and CLI came as a great relief. For others, caution was the watchword. Then there were those who were downright suspicious: "We do not respect promises of drug dealers and pedophiles; we should not accept the promise of a habitual offender of anti-competition law to restrain its evil tendencies," said blogger Robert Pogson.

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 15 years 6 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

FSF: FOSS developers "still should not write software that depends on Mono"


The Free Software Foundation has issued another statement on Mono, C# after the recent Microsoft extension of the terms of their Community Promise to implementations of ECMA 334 and 335. Is is safe to go back in the water now, as so many have been saying? FSF says no, that the "promise is full of loopholes, and it's nowhere near enough to make C# safe."

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5t3v3n's picture
Created by 5t3v3n 15 years 6 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft's Empty Promise


FSF: Last week, Microsoft extended the terms of their Community Promise to implementations of the ECMA 334 and 335 standards. You might think this means it's safe to write your software in C#. However, this promise is full of loopholes, and it's nowhere near enough to make C# safe.

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akf's picture
Created by akf 15 years 6 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Mono: Why is Debian resorting to spin?


The question of using applications that are dependent on Mono has been a vexatious one for a long time. Nobody in the FOSS community has ever raised an objection to the provision of the packages by any GNU/Linux distribution; it's only the question of making these applications a part of the default set that has resulted in endless arguments.

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akf's picture
Created by akf 15 years 7 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 7 weeks ago
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My take on the Mono/C# debate


I’m f*cking tired of hearing random people screaming out why mono is cool or not. These kind of people don’t even know what coding is about, or they just learned Java or C# at university and they’re like “oh shit, I can code!!”. STOP THAT.

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spambot's picture
Created by spambot 15 years 8 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 8 weeks ago
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Why free software shouldn't depend on Mono or C#


by Richard M. Stallman
Debian's decision to include Mono in the default installation, for the sake of Tomboy which is an application written in C#, leads the community in a risky direction. It is dangerous to depend on C#, so we need to discourage its use.

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Quadduc's picture
Created by Quadduc 15 years 9 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 9 weeks ago
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Bill Gates on C# as “Key Element in Preventing Commodization by Linux”


Insights from Bill Gates (and colleagues) on platform strategy .

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 9 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 9 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

Open Utter Nonsense..


Earlier at my college today, one of my mates (a devoted MS fan) came to me saying that he wants me to participate in a project which he claims is open source.

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Ubuntu87's picture
Created by Ubuntu87 15 years 37 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 37 weeks ago
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