KDE accepted for Google Summer of Code 2013, joins Outreach Program for Women


KDE has been accepted as a mentoring organization in Google Summer of Code 2013. For students, now is the perfect time to start working on their proposal. The KDE community maintains an ideas page which is an excellent starting point. This year KDE will also participate in the Free and Open Source Outreach Program for Women, and will also be hosting Season of KDE 2013.

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KDE PlasMate Software Development Toolkit


The release of KDE Software Compilation 4.10 includes a new software development toolkit called PlasMate. It should ease some of the stresses involved in developing KDE components. A massive number of features are available and already working well. For all the advanced users and developers out there, here is a closer look at the latest toys.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 11 years 21 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Howto: Fixing unstable clocksource in virtualised CentOS


Maintaining the correct time in virtual machines can be quite troublesome. If problems occur, a change of the clock source might be the right step.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 22 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Howto: Sort spam mails to the junk folder in Zarafa


Groupware setups like Zarafa often leave the spam scanning to external tools – but still has to sort the tagged mails. This article shows two ways of sorting and filtering tagged spam mails in Zarafa.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 23 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Qt Creator 2.7.0 released


C++ support in Qt Creator 2.7.0 got even more improvements for C++11, like handling of alignof, alignas and noexcept, brace initializers, and more lambda fixes.Also there are improvements on the refactoring actions side. QML support got lots of fixes for Qt Quick 2 in the code editor, and there was a lot of work done to make Qt Quick Designer work with Qt Quick 2.

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MongoDB 2.4 can now search text


The latest release of MongoDB 2.4 expands the NoSQL database's capabilities with the addition of text search.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 23 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

ySpeed.js: Convert mph to kmh and knots inside text


A class to convert km/h to mph and knots and vice-versa. It can also parse speeds in a text and return the text with corrected and converted speeds.

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prasunsen's picture
Created by prasunsen 11 years 24 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Three simple tools for backing up MySQL databases


One of the most important responsibilities of any administrator is to make regular backups. But unlike backing up regular data, backing up databases isn't a straightforward affair. Designing an effective strategy for taking backups of production MySQL servers depends on a lot of factors.

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geekyBodhi's picture
Created by geekyBodhi 11 years 25 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

KDE releases Plasmate 1.0, a Plasma Workspaces SDK


The KDE Plasma Workspaces team is excited to announce the first stable release of Plasmate: an add-ons SDK that focuses on ease of use. Plasmate follows the UNIX philosophy of "do one thing, and do it well". As such, it is not a general purpose IDE but rather a tool specifically tailored to creating Plasma Workspace add-ons using non-compiled languages such as QML and Javascript.

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GlusterFS: First impressions


Recently I fooled around with GlusterFS, a distributed file system especially intended for use as backend storage. The first impression is quite good – as long as you use it for the right task.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 26 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

FreePascal 2.6.2 is released


FPC 2.6.2 has landed. FPC 2.6.2 is an update to 2.6.0 that
contains most library progress over the 2.6.0 and some crucial
compiler fixes.

Building is still in progress and some formats (deb,rpm) and targets might
not be available yet.

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mariuz's picture
Created by mariuz 11 years 26 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

[Howto] Zarafa mail extraction


Mail administrators which use spamassassin and its Bayesian filter need to train the classifier on a regular basis. Spamassassin's sa-learn utility needs to process full RFC-822 emails including mail headers and the the mail body. The following howto describes a method of how full emails can be extracted from the mailsystem Zarafa.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 27 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Why Android cannot sync multiple calendars via ActiveSync


If you use ActiveSync on your Android device you are not able to sync more than one calendar. The reason is the missing support in the ActiveSync implementation of Android.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 27 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Set up a local Linux installation and update server with Kickstart


With Kickstart, you can customize automatic installation of any Fedora-based distribution. And to make everything run as quickly as possible, you can store Kickstart files and Linux packages on a local Apache web server, which then servers as your network installation and update server, saving you bandwidth every time you roll out a new machine.

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geekyBodhi's picture
Created by geekyBodhi 11 years 29 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

GPL vs BSD, a matter of sustainability


Both license models make software free, but only GPL software is sustainably free. The BSD gives greater freedom, the GPL gives more freedom. Choose which one you value more.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 11 years 29 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

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