

Tutorial: Using the 'find' Command


GNU find is a powerful command-line utility that lets you search for files and folders in a hierarchical tree directory structure. It is the backend for all those utilities out there like the graphical searching in KDE or GNOME. However, find can be a little hard to handle at first by beginners.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 12 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Effective Free Software advocacy


Explaining Free Software is an important but sometimes difficult task. Complex ideas and terminology, subtle variations and an intensely political history can all get in the way of effective advocacy. These guidelines aim to help you to communicate clearly and consistently, and present yourself and what you're saying in a compelling and credible light.

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akf's picture
Created by akf 13 years 3 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 3 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:

Line Addressing in sed


sed can select lines in a file that can be individually modified, printed or deleted. sed is able to select and number any of lines within a file.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 13 years 5 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Sprinkle Some Eye Candy on your KDE Desktop


KDE is beautiful, even if you never change a thing on your desktop. What makes it even more appealing is all of the customizable visual features. Three areas you should consider spicing up a little are your KDE style/theme, your Plasma Workspace theme, and your icons. The following are just a few of the most popular in each category on KDE-Look.org.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 13 years 24 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 24 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Monitoring a Cisco Router with Nagios


Sometimes you will need to create service checks using the MIBs that you can discover with snmpwalk. This tutorial will show you the process of creating service checks for a Cisco router manually.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 13 years 28 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Positional Parameters in the Bash Shell


The positions of variables in a Bash Shell script may be used by the script as a reference. These built-in parameters are useful methods for building scripts.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 13 years 31 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Introduction to Command-Line for Beginners


The guide aims first-time users and average Linux users and its goal is to make you learn your way around when using the Linux command-line interface (or CLI for short). It also encourages some habits which I believe that, although hard to learn at first, will make you more productive later on.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 13 years 36 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 36 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

Command-Line Guide to Audio Files in Ubuntu


In this tutorial I will focus mostly on manipulating and converting files to free formats, which in our case will be FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) and Ogg Vorbis (free lossy codec), but support for MP3 is also included where it is the case. These formats are not patented and are free to use without the need to pay for using them.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 13 years 36 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 36 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

Configuring Places, Bookmarks, and Locations in KDE Software


Part of the free software experience is having the freedom to setup your workspace the way you want it. KDE, the popular free software compilation for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, offers a plethora of configuration and customization options. Among those options are a number of methods for accessing files quickly and easily.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 13 years 37 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 37 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Collection of 18 Popular APT & DPKG Tips for Debian and Ubuntu


This is a guide containing the most popular and useful ways of using the APT and DPKG commands, and it applies to both Ubuntu and Debian (and their derivatives). I mentioned where super user privileges are required, the ones without a mention can be executed as normal user.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 13 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

KDocker: Dock Any Application in the System Tray in KDE, GNOME & Xfce


I bet at one point or another you felt you missed the system tray integration feature in some application, be it xterm, an audio player, a file manager or any other program. Well, KDocker is just the thing which comes to help: a simple, yet practical docking application built for KDE4 (older KDE3 version can be found here), but not only.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 13 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 50 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

A Guide to Using Finch - Terminal-Based Chat Client


Finch is a TUI (text user interface) IM client for Linux which uses libpurple, the same library on which the GNOME IM client Pidgin is based on. Usually, if you have Pidgin installed, you should have Finch too, unless Pidgin was compiled with the text interface option disabled.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 13 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 50 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

Bulk conversion of documents using OpenOffice and Unoconv


A simple tutorial on mass conversion of documents using Openoffice and Unoconv. Also shows how to start OpenOffice in headless mode.

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sreenadh's picture
Created by sreenadh 13 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 51 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Debugging ARM programs inside QEMU


A tutorial that shows how to debug an ARM Linux program inside a platform emulated with QEMU. The tutorial uses gdbserver to connect the program executing in the guest system to the debugger running on the host system.

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balau's picture
Created by balau 14 years 2 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 2 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Understanding Git Conceptually


A tutorial which explains the concepts of git and the basic commands for a beginner.

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libregeek's picture
Created by libregeek 14 years 7 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 7 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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