

GNU SIP Witch 0.6.0 released

"GNU SIP Witch is a telephony server that focuses on enabling secure peer to peer media connections.GNU SIP Witch avoids centralized decryption and minimizes overhead by eliminating the need for media processing [...] This release focuses on development of GNU SIP Witch as both a new kind of desktop VoIP integration service and as part of our goal to replace Skype, both at the client and as an Int

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 14 years 32 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 32 weeks ago
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Secure VoIP, GNU SIP Witch, and replacing Skype with free software

"For the last few years I had been working when time was available on what is called the GNU Telephony Secure Calling Initiative.This initiative was originally started specifically to make passive voice communication intercept a thing of the past using free software and public standards, and came out of ideas from and the work of the New York City civil liberties community and New York Fair Use in

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 1 week ago – Made popular 15 years 1 week ago
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Howto Deploy SIP Witch Clients and Servers

GNU SIP Witch offers a means for individuals, private organizations, and even national governments to easily configure and deploy secure network scalable peer-to-peer media VoIP solutions using free software. This article offers an easy "howto" to help people get started using GNU SIP Witch with Ubuntu.

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caffienejunki's picture
Created by caffienejunki 15 years 1 week ago – Made popular 15 years 1 week ago
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Secure Calling Initiative Reaches Second Milestone

"...GNU Telephony Secure Calling is intended to make it both possible, and easy, for individuals, private organizations, and public institutions to deploy secure realtime voice and video communications (VoIP) both in closed and openly accessible networks, and to do so in a manner which helps make passive and warrantless communication intercept of private communication a thing of the past.

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 17 weeks ago
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Twinkle: My favorite SIP program

I’ve been looking for an SIP program for a long time. Linphone, OpenWengo, and Gizmo all failed to work with my Logitech AK5370 USB microphone (ah, the joys of drivers!). Eventually, after about half a dozen programs, I gave up. Then, out of the blue came Twinkle, a Qt-based VoIP phone.

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tony's picture
Created by tony 16 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

Designing a basic Asterisk VOIP system for SIP clients

Asterisk is becoming an increasingly popular way for organizations to deploy Voice over IP (VoIP) without making a huge investment in proprietary systems. One of the major hurdles to get over when deploying Asterisk is to learn how the different configuration files work together and how to configure the system to answer phones.

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dave's picture
Created by dave 17 years 3 days ago – Made popular 17 years 2 days ago
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