

OpenLogic Launches Open Source Fulfillment Center

OpenLogic, Inc., a provider of enterprise open source software solutions encompassing hundreds of open source packages, today announced Open Source Fulfillment Center, an OpenLogic service that helps companies ensure compliance with open source licenses and avoid lawsuits such as happened with fourteen well known consumer electronics manufacturers this week who are alleged to have violated terms o

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Ipela's picture
Created by Ipela 14 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 17 weeks ago
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OpenLogic — Like Novell — Supports Red Hat Clone

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux clones debate returns as a company with Microsoft connections adds a new service

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
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OpenLogic offers CentOS Linux support for enterprises

OpenLogic have announced that they are expanding their commercial support services for open source packages to include CentOS Linux. The company offers indemnification for a certified range of around 500 open source packages and a choice of either Developer Support with a four hour response time during business hours or Production Support with a one hour, round-the-clock response time.

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brian1977's picture
Created by brian1977 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
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Open source up 26% in the enterprise

More good news for the open source community just in: an analysis of its enterprise customers by OpenLogic found that for 2007 as a whole, the use of open source among enterprise customers is up 26% year-on-year. Enterprises on average used a whopping 94 different open source packages last year, compared to 75 in 2006…

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leo's picture
Created by leo 16 years 11 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 11 weeks ago
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Riding the open source Storm

Open source guru Stormy Peters talks about the global initiative to count how much open source software is used by enterprise, and her upcoming keynote at Melbourne’s Linux Conference

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vlovindia's picture
Created by vlovindia 16 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 15 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:

How Much Open Source Are You Using?

Open source software might make it simpler for employees to download and install an application without first having to check that it meets with the company's approval and governance policy. But that freedom also means that application usage in the enterprise can become something of an untamed, unregulated Wild West.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 16 years 23 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 23 weeks ago
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