I was recently browsing through various Linux news sites and bumped into this article, a taste of a comic done in Krita, the KDE painting and image editor application, which is part of the KOffice suite. Now I rarely use image editors, and I'm totally untalented at it, but when I do, I use GIMP for basic cropping, coloring or other simple stuff.
Read more »Krita - The KDE Answer to GIMP
Krita got €4,000 Donation
Krita's team have reached their target to raise Krita to the next level since they've raised €4,000.00 so far, which is €1,000.00 over their goal!. This donation will be used to hire Lukáš Tvrdý for three months to work for accelerating Krita's performance, stability and usability.
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Krita Team Seeking Sponsorship to Take Krita to Next Level
At the KOffice meeting in Oslo the Krita team had a meeting to put the finishing touches to an ambitious plan. On hearing about it the Dot managed to lure two of the Krita developers in a separate room to question them and find out what was going on. Nobody got seriously hurt in the process. We spoke with Krita developers Boudewijn Rempt and Lukáš Tvrdý.
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Free software is better for web pages
"Despite the considerable advances that the free software has made in the last years in its «market share» in different fields in informatics, only in a few of this fields free software has the supremacy. One of these is the field of web servers.
Read more »[Libre Graphics Meeting 2008] Please donate!
"...The Libre Graphics Meeting brings together developers and users of free software graphics applications, such as GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender, Krita, the Open Clipart Library and more: http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2008 [...] To make a donation, please follow this link: http://pledgie.com/campaigns/613 ..."
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Art Tablets for Krita
The Krita donation drive has succeeded beyond the expectations of the Krita developers. Donations from all over the world made it possible to buy two Intuos graphics tablets and two art pens for the Krita developers to test their software with. The Krita developers are very grateful to the community for making this possible.
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