

Free Software GSM Presentation on Dec. 9th

You have gotten used to the idea of Android and Meego? Let's see what you'll think about the possibility of Free Software handling what your cell phone is primarily made for.

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gnufs's picture
Created by gnufs 13 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 19 weeks ago
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Burning Man's open source cell phone system

The (in)famous desert festival experiments with DIY telephone networking. They use the AGPLv3 licensed OpenBTS GSM implementation.

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spanky's picture
Created by spanky 13 years 33 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 33 weeks ago
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New 'Kraken' GSM-cracking software is released

"On Friday, an open source effort to develop GSM-cracking software released software that cracks the A5/1 encryption algorithm used by some GSM networks." "The software is key step toward eavesdropping on mobile phone conversations over GSM networks. Since GSM networks are the backbone of 3G, they also provide attackers with an avenue into the new generation of handsets."

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spanky's picture
Created by spanky 13 years 38 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

A Sneak Peak At the Black Box Inside Your Phone

Cellular telephony seems to be the biggest network implementation (bigger than the Internet in means of user base) that has been surprisingly closed to inspection and experimentation despite its age. Lately, I've started actively getting informed about GSM network protocols and their free implementations such as OpenBTS and OpenBSC.

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gnufs's picture
Created by gnufs 14 years 6 days ago – Made popular 14 years 5 days ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Free GSM stack in development

The OsmocomBB project is developing a free software GSM stack for mobile phones

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itsrocking's picture
Created by itsrocking 14 years 7 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 7 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

EFF: 12 Trends to Watch in 2010

It's the dawn of a new year. From our perch on the frontier of electronic civil liberties, EFF has collected a list of a dozen important trends in law, technology and business that we think will play a significant role in shaping online rights in 2010.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 14 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 13 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Open-Source Effort to Hack GSM

If you're still using a cellphone based on early digital standards, you better be careful what you say. The encryption technology used to prevent eavesdropping in GSM (Global System for Mobile communications), the world's most widely used cellphone system, has more security holes than Swiss cheese...

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GiTS's picture
Created by GiTS 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Voice communications, smartly used, can bring the benefits of info to many

Techie-guru and ex-editor friend Vickram Crishna announced in cyberspace that Giovanni Maruzzelli would be visiting India. After a few emails were exchanged, he added Goa to his route.

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Submitted by fredericknoronha on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 11:26

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