

Diaspora Project: Open Call for Packagers!


We’ve been going through quite a lot in terms of development over the past month, and with our switch over to a versioning system, stable builds, and a development branch, we would like to take the logical next step in getting Diaspora into the hands of people that want to set up a pod themselves, by helping us make linux distribution packages of Diaspora.

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DeadSuperHero's picture
Created by DeadSuperHero 11 years 45 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 45 weeks ago
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Announcement: Diaspora Will Now Be a Community-Driven Project


As a Free Software social project, we have an obligation to take this project further, for the good of the community that revolves around it. Putting the decisions for the project’s future in the hands of the community is one of the highest benefits of any FOSS project, and we’d like to bring this benefit to our users and developers.

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DeadSuperHero's picture
Created by DeadSuperHero 12 years 5 days ago – Made popular 12 years 4 days ago
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Open social networking: A look at the Diaspora pre-alpha code


Last week Wednesday the Diaspora team released the source code for their social networking system to the world. The distributed, open source, so-called Facebook competitor released its code to the public recently but there seems to be some misunderstandings about what the release is all about

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bolony_and_cheese's picture
Created by bolony_and_cheese 13 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 49 weeks ago
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Diaspora: The Review


After a few days of experimentation, bug reports, and community interaction, I wrote a review of what I personally think of the Diaspora project.

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DeadSuperHero's picture
Created by DeadSuperHero 13 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 49 weeks ago
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Startup Offers Angry FB Users an Alternative


Could some upstart kids from NYU with an open source social networking platform give Facebook a run for its considerable money? You never know.

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mathewt's picture
Created by mathewt 13 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 51 weeks ago
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An Overdue Update on Diaspora


Since August is nearly over, it is time for an update and answers to some questions. We have been coding. We have Diaspora working, we like it, and it will be open-sourced on September 15th.

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alienhub's picture
Created by alienhub 13 years 52 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 51 weeks ago
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