"With Emacs' reputation for including everything _and_ the kitchen sink, you probably won't be surprised to hear that there's more than one way to surf the Internet using your text editor. With today's Javascript- and image-heavy websites, it can be hard to believe that anyone would use a text-based browser with limited support for many of the things we take for granted.
Read more »GNU needs to embrace the web !!
Thomas Lord: «...The more urgent issue concerns the emerging W3C-based world: what will GNU have to offer there?» -- *
Read more »Firefox market share exceeds 20%, Internet Explorer dips below 70%
It has been six weeks since Firefox 3 has been released and if we believe market share numbers provided by an ongoing survey of NetApplications, then it appears that Mozilla has had a successful launch with market share gains, especially at the expense of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
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Face off part two: Windows vs Linux real world RAM and disk tests
Last week I put Windows Vista Ultimate and Fedora Linux 9 to a test. The article hit the front page of Digg but received a lot of criticism by those disappointed with the performance of Internet Explorer. So, let's dig deeper and use Firefox to see if Internet Explorer's memory footprint is actually a Windows Vista "feature" or not.
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Iceweasel goes 3.0 too
Debian's "Iceweasel" build of Firefox 3.0 is out. Working fine for me so far with one exception.
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Field Guide to Firefox 3
We’re done. Firefox 3 is going to be launched very soon. In anticipation of this long-awaited event, the folks in the Mozilla community have been writing extensively about the new and improved features you’ll see in the browser.
Read more »Freedom and privacy in the cloud: a call for action
"This is a post about freedom. The freedom to keep your data for yourself and the freedom to run free software. You should be able to reclaim and enjoy these freedoms also when using web applications. [...] Let me be clear: web apps are great and I’m in love with them. But I think it’s time to ask for more freedom and more privacy. Here is a three step plan to achieve both these results..."
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Dillo the lean browser
Using browsers which are Web 2.0 enabled whenever you just what to Google something is like calling out the Fire Brigade when you have just burned the toast. Definitive overkill. If you are just surfing for information, then you want the little browser on the low fat, low body-mass index, skinny latte diet with a low carbon footprint. If Dillo were a catwalk model, it would be size zero.
Read more »Mobile Firefox gets speedup, design tweaks
The Mozilla Foundation says the mobile version of Firefox, planned for release later this year, has been sped up nearly 600 percent in its latest builds. The evolving product, which will run on Linux-based devices, has also received several interesting new user interface (UI) proposals.
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Users praise Firefox 3.0's speeds
Firefox 3.0 Beta 4 users are reporting that Mozilla's new browser is dramatically faster than its predecessor – as well as faster than the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.
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IE8: The Bad
There are quite a few good things about the Microsoft release, such as showing that HTML5 is looked at, Acid2 is (almost) being passed, and CSS support is improving, but there are quite a few evil things as well
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FSFE supports new antitrust investigation against Microsoft
" 'Microsoft should be required openly, fully and faithfully to implement free and open industry standards,' is the message of a letter by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) to European Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes. To help achieve this goal, FSFE offered its support for a possible antitrust investigation based on the complaint of Opera Software against Microsoft. The complaint was based on anti-competitive behaviour in the web browser market..."
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Catch a Glimpse of Firefox 3's Sleek, Sexy New Digs
Firefox is headed for the beauty salon. The new look won't make it in the upcoming beta 1 release, but there's a new look on the way for the third version of the venerable browser.
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Midori - a lightweight web browser
Midori is a lightweight web browser with the following features: Full integration with GTK+2; Fast rendering with WebKit; Tabs, windows and session management; Bookmarks are stored with XBEL; Searchbox based on OpenSearch; Custom context menu actions; User scripts and user styles support; Extensible via Lua scripts....
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Preserving browser tab collections with Session Manager
Firefox includes an option for bookmarking all open tabs, but heavy users of tabs will find that this option is hardly enough. When you are researching a subject, the particular combination of tabs matters as much as the individual ones -- and, besides, selecting the tabs to open individually can be tedious if you are dealing with several dozen.
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