
Free software articles for beginners - tips, howtos, tutorials, guides, and explanations for the absolute beginner.

TLWIR 27: Stallman Lookalike, Linux Jobs, and Free Software Donation Directory

This week features some fantastic GNU/Linux stories; A Richard Stallman Lookalike, Linux Experts Have No Problem Finding a Good Job, a Donation Directory is Born.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 38 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

3 application-level “firewalls” for Linux distributions

A packet filtering firewall, designed to regulate incoming and outgoing packets from a network or an operating system, is akin to security personnel guarding the entrance to a commercial or residential property. Such a system has very little authority, unless given additional powers, in what applications inside the operating system or network are able to do.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 38 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Common Filesystem Types used in Ubuntu / Debian Linux

Filesystem Types
* The most common filesystem types are:
ext2,ext3,ext4 The standard Linux filesystems

iso9660 The filesystem used on CD-ROMs

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 12 years 38 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Does disk encryption really protect your data from unauthorized access?

Disk encryption is one of several physical security measures that could be used to protect data on your computer from unauthorized physical access. And it is best configured during installation, not after. But once configured, how effective is it?

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

List of Server applications you can run in Ubuntu / Debian Linux

Name of some Server applications you can run in Ubuntu / Debian Linux

apache — Web server
boa — lightweight Web server
sshd — ssh server

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 12 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Enabling Compiz On Xubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)

This tutorial shows how you can enable Compiz on a Xubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) desktop (the system must have a 3D-capable graphics card - I'm using an NVIDIA GeForce 8200 here). Xubuntu uses the Xfce desktop environment which is a fast and stable alternative for those that are not happy with Unity or Gnome 3.

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falko's picture
Created by falko 12 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:


I created perl1line.txt that contains over a hundred various Perl recipes for text processing. They include changing line spacing, changing text, deleting certain lines, doing calculations, and many others.

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pkrumins's picture
Created by pkrumins 12 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Useful Linux Network Commands for Ubuntu / Debian

Ubuntu Linux Useful Networking commands

ifconfig – displays information network
iwconfig – displays information from wireless
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart – reset the network

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 12 years 39 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Why your computer needs a firewall enabled

Why is it even necessary to convince anybody that they need a firewall enabled on their Internet-facing computer – desktop or server? You would think that the role of a firewall should be obvious to any computer user. However, some of the comments that I have come across on this subject tell me that is not necessarily true.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 41 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 40 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Install Fedora 16 on an encrypted btrfs file system

Btrfs was supposed to have been the default file system for Fedora 16, but for technical reasons, that did not happen. Word on the street says it will be, in Fedora 17. But you do not have to wait for Fedora 17 to get your system humming on btrfs because you can do it right now.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 41 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 41 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Fedora 16 GPT disk partitioning guide

Anaconda, the Fedora system installer, is probably the best installation program available on any Linux or BSD distribution, and the version that comes with Fedora 16, version 16.25, has a couple of visible enhancements that make it even better. One of those enhancements is support for GPT disk partitions.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 41 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 41 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Chakra Edn 2011.11 review

Chakra Edn 2011.11 is the second maintenance release of the relatively new desktop Linux distribution with some ties to Arch Linux.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 42 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to customize Chakra 2011.11

Chakra 2011.11 is the second maintenance release of Chakra Linux, a KDE (desktop) distribution originally derived from Arch Linux. A detailed review of it will be published later tonight. While we await that publication, this article gives some customization tips. And there is much to customize because a new installation of Chakra 2011.11 is like bringing something home from IKEA.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 42 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

TLWIR 24: HP’s Redstone Servers, Open Source Textbooks, Netflix on GNU/Linux and More

GNU/Linux and free software are a boon to a lot of businesses, and a thorn in the sides of others. Both the friends and enemies of Linux are realizing that Linux is important, and that it is here to stay. HP is leveraging Linux to try to return from the brink of financial ruin.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

IT People should just say no to Clueless Reporters....

After weeks of stupid stories and FUD about Android fragmentation and it's being unmanageable in the corporate world the folks at respond. If you think Android is fragmented and the worse thing in the world give them a chance to open your eyes and change your mind.

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linuxinstall's picture
Created by linuxinstall 12 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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