
Rigo Camens of BinaryFreedom makes an excellent analogy of sacrificing ideals for reaching goals faster "Purely speaking, if we sacrifice our ideals then we will accomplish our goals faster. For instance, it would take much less effort for somebody who wants an anarchist or socialist revolution to go in and kill every important member of government. The problem is that they are sacrificing their
values. If somebody really wants equality, respect, etc. then they can't go around doing violent acts. What happens after the government collapses? The masses haven't learned from the past and the new government will be just as bad as the previous one. If a revolution is caused by mass participation, the end result lasts longer and is better. This is the same with free software. If you say that closed source software is exploitive, if you say that it is wrong, then don't use it. Period. I say capitalism is wrong yet I buy some things. It's an issue of survival, but that same argument can't really be applied to your choice of software."

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