
Rigo Camens of BinaryFreedom makes an excellent analogy of sacrificing ideals for reaching goals faster "Purely speaking, if we sacrifice our ideals then we will accomplish our goals faster. For instance, it would take much less effort for somebody who wants an anarchist or socialist revolution to go in and kill every important member of government. The problem is that they are sacrificing their
values. If somebody really wants equality, respect, etc. then they can't go around doing violent acts. What happens after the government collapses? The masses haven't learned from the past and the new government will be just as bad as the previous one. If a revolution is caused by mass participation, the end result lasts longer and is better. This is the same with free software. If you say that closed source software is exploitive, if you say that it is wrong, then don't use it. Period. I say capitalism is wrong yet I buy some things. It's an issue of survival, but that same argument can't really be applied to your choice of software."

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pravi's picture
Created by pravi 16 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 13 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:
kiba's picture


16 years 13 weeks 20 hours 51 min ago


Hmm.. How do you read this

Hmm.. How do you read this article? It require me to authenticate or something. Does anybody know how to access this article?

Despite not reading the full article, I already have problem with the summary.

Especially "capitalism is wrong" phrase. I don't think capitalism is immorally wrong. In my opinion, capitalism is a great idea. If designed right, it will reap great rewards for the citizen and keep evildoers in check..

It is people who either abuse the system or destroy the system's benefit that are in the wrong. For example, M$ monopoly lead to stagnant progress in softwares and lock in consumers. RIAA and MPAA who are not only idiots but hold back the full benefit of the free market.

Becoming free of proprietary softwares is a transitive process. It is not a simple matter of switching to free operating systems and you're done. You still have to develop missing softwares to make up for what you lost in the process such as a free flash player.

geosync.orbit's picture


16 years 13 weeks 19 hours 9 min ago


I can't read it either

Well I can't vote it up based on the blurb hopefully one of the people who run the site will see these comments.

Starchild's picture


16 years 13 weeks 13 hours 58 min ago


Capitalism IS morally reprehensible

Actually Capitalism *is* morally wrong. For pretty much all the same reasons Free Software advocates rightly consider proprietary software morally wrong but on a much grander scale and far more serious. There is extensive literature on the subject.

pravi's picture


16 years 13 weeks 16 hours 53 min ago


alternate link to another archive


Sorry about that, the archives are for members only in the article link. I didn't want to miss the message, that is why I copied the entire message here.

Not a best practice, but it was better than missing it. I have asked binaryfreedom folks if they are willing to make the archives public.

Freedom is worth a sacrifice - RMS

pravi's picture


16 years 13 weeks 15 hours 25 min ago


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