Linux Laser Cool!


Here's the Bilda board at work, this is a hardware controller controlled by Linux via usb. It's extremely fast and allows for projection of all kinds of great shows. 360 degrees rotating laser projection, thanks to Linux control...

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goofy's picture
Created by goofy 14 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 16 weeks ago
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Online video wars


Apple and Microsoft join to fight Opera and Firefox. The next big evolution of the Internet will be in the realm of video playing. Until now the rapid growth of online video has been built on Adobe's Flash technology. Flash has always been a workable solution but not the best platform because it requires an additional plugin to be installed before users can view video.

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binarycanary's picture
Created by binarycanary 14 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 16 weeks ago
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Firefox and the open web


Firefox, the internet browser, is the most popular and widely used free software application, boasting more than a billion downloads and more than 350 million users. Richard Hillesley discussed the story of its development with Mitchell Baker, chair of the Mozilla Foundation

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vacuous's picture
Created by vacuous 14 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 17 weeks ago
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End of the Desktop? Google Backs WebGL


Stick a fork in the desktop, it's done! Recently Google demoed a port of Quake II to WebGL and HTML5, showing that even first person shooters are suitable applications to run in the browser. While the tide isn't going to turn all at once, it seems more likely than ever that a browser-based desktop is a viable option and ultimately the way many users will experience all applications.

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australianrose's picture
Created by australianrose 14 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 17 weeks ago
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IPv4's Last Day: What Will Happen When There Is Only IPv6?


How will we know when IPv4 address space is all used up? And what will happen when that day comes? The modern Internet has been built using IPv4 (define), which provides for 4.3 billion address, a supply that could run dry within the next two years.

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kbcornwell's picture
Created by kbcornwell 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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French ISP SFR releases source code of its OpenWrt based DSL router


The Neufbox 4 is a BRCM63xx based DSL router the french ISP SFR provides to its customers, and more than 3 million units are currently in use. The device is developed by Efixo and the OpenWrt based sources are available through a subversion repository and documentation is placed in a Trac wiki.

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mathewt's picture
Created by mathewt 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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The best of HTML5


HTML5, the latest version of the Web's underpinning language, has been in development since 2004 and, although not finished yet, is starting to affect the way the web works. We look at some of the best features of HTML5, specifically the ones already on the way to users' desktops.

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Sheik Djibouti's picture
Created by Sheik Djibouti 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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Multitouch Trackpad Gestures coming to Linux


Synaptics announced today the extension of its Gesture Suite to several Linux operating systems, which means that you can now zoom, flick, rotate, and ChiralScroll to your heart's content on your Linux box.

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vacuous's picture
Created by vacuous 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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Android-based nav phone's U.S.-bound


T-Mobile and Garmin-Asus announced a navigation-oriented smartphone that will run Android and include multi-touch capabilities. The "Garminfone" includes a 600MHz Qualcomm processor, 4GB of flash storage, a three megapixel camera, and GPS capabilities that work with or without cellular connectivity, according to the companies.

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vacuous's picture
Created by vacuous 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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Adobe Turns to Linux After Apple Snub


As Apple pulls the switch on many developers, towards Linux/Android they begin to march

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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Novell Autocomplete Failure or Human Failure Leaks Confidential UK Database


Policemen in the UK are left red-faced after a software screwup - caused in part by the user - which compromised the privacy of many people

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 18 weeks ago
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Oracle start charging for Sun's Office ODF plug-in


Oracle have begun to charge for the ODF Plugin, originally supplied by Sun as a closed source but free download plug-in for Microsoft Office

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linuxlooooser's picture
Created by linuxlooooser 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
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Moodle: The free e-learning platform


Moodle, the e-learning system, is one of the most significant and successful projects in open source. Despite its success, with hundreds of thousands of people taught by courses written in Moodle, as a product it is not well known

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binarycanary's picture
Created by binarycanary 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
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Google funds OGG Theora


Grant goes toward development of ARM-optimized video codec

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andrejzh's picture
Created by andrejzh 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
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Google open-sourcing VP8 video may change Internet video forever


Google may be open-sourcing the VP8 video codec. Internet video is about to get a lot more complicated.

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natural83's picture
Created by natural83 14 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 19 weeks ago
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