
I just read a post on another site from someone who calls himself (herself?), linux guru, and it made me ponder the following question: What is a Linux Guru?

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Created by prakash 14 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 15 weeks ago
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14 years 15 weeks 6 days 1 hour ago



> 2. Configures Samba, Sendmail

Why "Linux" (I mean GNU/Linux) guru should know Samba??? Samba is only for poor proprietary softwares slaves. If such kind of guru have to know it, then I can only call him Linux-sysadmin.

> 9. Is a Linux Evangelist

So, if I can hack FreeBSD and I am BSD-wizard, and I like those systems more than "Linux", then I can not be "Linux"-guru? I think true hacker can definetely know several OS perfectly at once. Anyway, most of them relate to *NIX-world!

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