opensuse 11.1


Review - OpenSUSE 11.1

I decided to install OpenSUSE this weekend onto my new Maxtor 4 USB hard drive. I've used the live CD before with KDE 4.1, but didn't like not having the option to have different backgrounds on the multiple desktops. Supposedly, this option and others will be available in KDE 4.2. So, instead of waiting, I decided to install KDE 3.5.10. Here's how it went.....
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helix's picture
Created by helix 15 years 23 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 23 weeks ago
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I love openSUSE

I’m a convert from Ubuntu, after several years with that distribution of Linux, and the difference between Ubuntu 8.10 and OpenSuse 11.1 is night and day.

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GengusKhan's picture
Created by GengusKhan 15 years 24 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 24 weeks ago
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Write your own kernel module and insert it into running kernel

So, you want to write a kernel module. You know C, you've written a few normal programs to run as processes, and now you want to get to where the real action is, to where a single wild pointer can wipe out your file system and a core dump means a reboot.

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njauhari's picture
Created by njauhari 15 years 33 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 33 weeks ago
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OpenSUSE 11.1: Evolution dependent on Mono

Any .1 release of a Linux distribution is generally meant to fix bugs which were present in the .0 release, not to introduce new features.

In this respect, OpenSUSE 11.1 differs sharply from other distributions. And the news is not all good either. Novell acolytes please note, this is NOT a review, just some sundry observations.

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greengrass's picture
Created by greengrass 15 years 35 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 35 weeks ago
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