"Paris, Jan 26th - The European Parliament's committee for legal affairs (JURI) voted the Medina report on Copyright last week. This report goes against its initial objective to account on the failure of the 2001 copyright directive. It only contains ridiculous repressive measures dictated by the entertainment industries, and goes as far as denying the Commission's ongoing studies.
Read more »Copyright dogmatism ridiculously strikes the European Parliament.
EU data protection authority confirms privacy threat in "Telecoms Package"
"Paris, January 19th. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) released his opinion on the current state of the Telecoms Package. His views on the ePrivacy directive confirms La Quadrature's analysis: If nothing is done, article 6.6(a) will allow any company to collect and process traffic data from any Internet user, for an undetermined period of time.
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EU Copyright Extension: Help MEPs Hear the Other Side
"From reading the official European Commission documentation on its proposed Copyright Term Extension Directive, one might believe perpetuating performer copyrights from 50 to 95 years in Europe is a charitable policy with no ill effects at all.
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Urgent Note: music listeners
RMS: « EU citizens: The European Parliament is working hard to help record companies mistreat music listeners and musicians even worse. Call or write your MEP to oppose this directive --
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