kde vs gnome


A little healthy kompetition


I go back and forth between the two top desktop environments with Fedora on my Fujitsu laptop — the even numbers, as it turns out, have been GNOME and the odd (with nothing to read into this, honest) have been KDE. Since we’re now at Fedora 13, it’s KDE time.

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snuffbox's picture
Created by snuffbox 13 years 44 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 44 weeks ago
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KDE vs. GNOME: DVD Tools and Desktop Design


DVD tools are more important on Linux than on most operating systems. While Windows or OSX users rarely burn CDs or DVDs except for an occasional backup, for many Linux users, burning a Live CD to investigate a distribution is a common task.

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fr34k123's picture
Created by fr34k123 13 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 49 weeks ago
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KDE vs. GNOME: Email Readers


Aside from perhaps the web browser, an email reader is likely to be the first application configured on a new computer installation. And, if you are using a desktop, the default choice is likely to be KMail if you are using KDE, or Evolution if you are using GNOME.

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Sun's picture
Created by Sun 14 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 12 weeks ago
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comparing "KDE 4" and "GNOME 3"


There is small trend currently to write a blog entry or article comparing "KDE 4" and "GNOME 3". Now, I'm not involved in the least with the GNOME 3 efforts (no big surprise there, I'm sure) so I can't and won't comment on what they are doing now or in the future (they can do so themselves quite well), but there are two interesting points I keep seeing raised that I really do want to address ...

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dogbiter's picture
Created by dogbiter 14 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 26 weeks ago
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