

Groovy++ goes fully open source

Groovy++, the static typing compiler extension for Groovy, is to be released as open source under the APL2. The Groovy++ project started last year and at the time Alex Tkachman, project founder said Groovy++'s compiler "uses several pieces of technology, which our company uses and plans to use in our commercial products.

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Created by stargrave 14 years 1 day ago – Made popular 13 years 51 weeks ago
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A Domain-Specific Language to Let Groovy Go Parallel

Groovy is an agile dynamic language for the Java Platform. It runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It supports Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). Last week, GParallelizer 0.7 release added exciting intuitive ways to handle tasks, actors and message. Great news for the Groovy community in order to go parallel.

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eltorero's picture
Created by eltorero 14 years 45 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 45 weeks ago
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