

OpenDocument Format (ODF) Now Officially a Malaysian Standard

A lot of ODF news and some leading developments from Malaysia

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 24 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 24 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

ODF Officially Approved as Malaysian Standard, Brazil Offers Massive Endorsement Too

Latest raves and wins for ODF at the government level. Yoon Kit proudly announces that according to MAMPU, "There are nearly 300 agencies using ODF already - and a detailed study will be conduct to roll out further." Also he adds: "Glad to say after all the work, ODF has been approved by the minister as a Malaysian Standard!"

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 40 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Malaysia Saves with Free Software and ODF, Europe Rises Against Microsoft

Update on OOXML, ODF, deployments, and FUD from Novell

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 14 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

[FSF] Free Software Supporter, September 2008

## In this issue
* Software Freedom Day
* Happy Birthday to GNU!
* GNU Planet
* gNewSense 2.1 released
* Spring 2008 Bulletin available online
* Submit your nominations for the 2008 Free Software Awards
* On the savannah, where the gnu roam...
* DRM down under
* Free Hexen and Heretic!
* Malaysian Government Dept switches to OpenDocument

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 31 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:
0 and ODF adoption in Malaysia - thumbs up!

In an interesting twist (interesting for Microsoft and their OOXML apologists), about a month ago, MAMPU, the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit, decided that they were going to go and go ODF, and dump Microsoft Office by year-end 2008. This made its round around news sites, and everyone was naturally talking about it.

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 15 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 51 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Microsoft May be Threatening ODF-Supportive Governments, by Proxy

Groklaw calls it “slime, slime, slime,” but what it truly might be is a simple case of bullying and intimidation. We saw this in Malaysia and days some ago we saw this India (heaps of similar examples are cited therein, including the story about jilted CIOs).

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 1 week ago – Made popular 16 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

MAMPU migrates to and ODF to increase freedom of choice and interoperability

The Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) has announced that the agency will be migrating to office suite as well as adopt the OpenDocument Format (ODF). In addition, Microsoft Office is to be phased out by end of 2008.

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snotbutter's picture
Created by snotbutter 16 years 4 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

ODF Standard Gains Traction in Malaysia

ODF, an international standard, is an open standard for any vendor to implement without restrictions. Massachusetts recently recognizing both ODF and OOXML as document formats, and Denmark running multi-format document trials. the European Commission has endorsed Open Document while various authorities in Austria, Brazil, France and the United Kingdom have adopted applications that support ODF.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 34 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

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