

Honey, I shrunk the desktop

Every geek needs a large power-hungry supercomputer, right? Wrong.

French company Linutop offers a tiny machine - the Linutop - no bigger than a mid-sized paperback novel. Weighing a mere 250 grams, this machine will make cleaning your desk a breeze. The Linutop is powered by the AMD Geode LX700, and consumes just 5 watts of power - a sure benefit to any taxed power grid. The Linutop has no moving parts and boasts 4 USB 2.0 ports, ethernet, audio in & out, and 250MB of RAM.

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electronichouse's picture
Created by electronichouse 16 years 10 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 9 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

Linutop Mini Linux PC Reviewed - Damn Small Linux Hardware

The Linutop is a small Linux PC. Of course, if you think the MacMini is small, then perhaps the words, incredibly miniscule are closer to the mark.
Running a customised version of xubuntu Linux, this little box could replace your desktop for most common tasks, including what you're doing right now.
And if this wasn't impressive enough in a box slightly larger than a Nintendo DS, the Linutop does it all drawing a maximum of 5 watts - That's less than an energy saver light bulb!
Read on for the full review..

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waleed.saud's picture
Created by waleed.saud 16 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 19 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

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