

Open source could be Africa's technological solution

That major computing companies are unlikely to want to invest heavily in Africa is not lost on the continent's brain trust.Sure, there could be some investment in major cities, but for the most part, the continent's on its own. The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa is fine with that.

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innerphaze's picture
Created by innerphaze 13 years 46 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 46 weeks ago
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FOSSFA calls for use of open hardware

In conjunction with Software Freedom Day, the Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) has made a call for governments to purchase hardware that will not limit its choice of what software to run.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 16 years 31 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 31 weeks ago
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Minister champions open source endeavour

At a meeting on Sunday, South Africa's minister of public services, Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, accepted an invitation to be a patron of the Free and Open Source Software Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA).

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leo's picture
Created by leo 16 years 32 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 32 weeks ago
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