Debian is one of the oldest and most popular distributions among the Linux users. There are probably hundreds of distributions which are based on Debian, or others which are based on distributions which in turn are based on Debian. Although I'm not a Debian developer, I use it for over two years or so, and slowly got to love this OS.
Read more »7 Reasons to Use Debian –
1. Stable
Any application needs time to be used and tested enough time in order to make it stable. One of the greatest goals of Debian is stability. It's released when it's ready and applications included in the repositories have enough time to be tested through.
Created by Chris7mas 15 years 5 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 5 weeks ago
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Why Many Projects Is Better Than a Few –
An essay regarding why a big number of projects is better than just a few, as some suggest. "I kept reading opinions regarding the big number of Linux distributions out there, most of them saying that we have a huge number of distros, each one with its own package management system, keeping Linux divided.
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