There are a number of quotes in the article from the originator of the Ubuntu Linux distribution, Mark Shuttleworth, that clearly attest to the fact he is completely missing what so many people find wrong with Unity.
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Microsoft Continues to Sabotage GNU/Linux Installations Using ‘Updates’
Microsoft kindly reminds the public that there is no "new Microsoft" as it keeps removing people's choices and denying them access to their GNU/Linux partition/s
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Microsoft to Mobile Customers: Choice is a Bad Thing (and Linux will Lose)
Last week, David Coursey reported that Microsoft entertainment and devices boss Robbie Bach made the prediction in an analyst briefing that Linux on mobile will lose. Why? It’s choice is a bad thing for customers and that there is too much Linux in the mobile marketplace. By Bach’s count there are 17 variants of Linux available on mobile phones. He sees this as a bad thing for customers.
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Microsoft, FUD and the netbook market
Brandon Le Blanc from Microsoft posted an interesting post about Netbooks and Linux last week. While we agreed with his comments about customers wanting choice and looking for outstanding hardware options, we disagree with much of his analysis and unsurprisingly the overall ’spin’ of the post.
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All about Linux
You've heard about Linux. It powers everything from servers to mobile phones, can be found in schools, governments, industry and homes, and a good chunk of the internet’s infrastructure is powered by it. CHOICE Computer’s Editor even runs it at home!
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10 things to consider when choosing a Linux distribution
I can’t begin to tell you how many people over the years I have consulted with about choosing a Linux distribution. And even with my own personal loyalties to one distribution or another, it always amazes me how certain distributions are better suited to various users and needs.
Read more »Does choice make support for Linux harder?
Upon listening to lugradio the other day, I was interested by their segment on support. It got me thinking, does the choice ethic that we are so proud of actually make it harder to support the product.
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The Buzz Word Today Is Change
Change. That's the word on the tips of everyone's tongues this year. One change everyone should consider is making the switch from expensive, proprietary software to open source.
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Howto: Derail the Linux juggernaut
When the final bell tolls and Microsoft is forced to confront the Linux tidal wave (instead of playing its current game of misinformation and attrition) there will be one Achilles heel that the Redmond contingent can take advantage of: Choice. Simply remind the average Linux user that they have a choice on any issue, and a frenzy of infighting erupts.
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Linux Distros for Everyone: Community, Desktop, Hardcore Geek...
One of the first things that confounds new users is that GNU/Linux is not a single operating system. Instead, it's the general name for hundreds of closely related operating systems -- distributions or distros, as they are usually called. All the distros share the Linux kernel and include many of the same utilities and programs, but differ in purposes and the resulting customizations.
Read more »If you want lemonade. Buy lemons
Every operating system has its own fans. Some are hard core, some are enthusiastic and others are practical. However all too often there are flame wars and arguments over which is better. This does nothing but inflame the stalwart proponents of the enemy camp so to speak.
It should not be like this.
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