

Does the Windows ballot screen for choosing a browser represent meaningful progress in Europe?


Thanks to the European Commission's antitrust like activities, European citizens will soon be presented with a ballot choice between twelve browsers when first using a newly purchased computer preloaded with the Microsoft Windows operating system. But is this really progress?

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Quadduc's picture
Created by Quadduc 14 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 14 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

[FSF] Free Software Action Alert!


"The upcoming European parliament elections give the free software movement an opportunity to educate the candidates to the importance of protecting free software from bad legislation involving software patents, interoperability and net neutrality. The French free software association April has organized the Free Software Pact initiative, but they need your help.

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 14 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 47 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Take this Action for Free Software in Europe


The upcoming European parliament elections give the free software movement an opportunity to educate the candidates to the importance of protecting free software from bad legislation involving software patents, interoperability and net neutrality. Please follow these easy steps...

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cmister's picture
Created by cmister 14 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 47 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:

EP candidate: Free software essential for public administrations


"...Sarnez, a member of the European Parliament since 1999, is currently campaigning to be re-elected to the European Parliament. She has recently pledged her support for free software, after being approached by the Free Software advocacy associations April in France and the Associazione per il software libero in Italy.

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 14 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 50 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

European Elections and the Free Software Pact


"Free Software advocacy associations April (France/Belgium) and Associazione per il software libero (Italy) have launched a joint campaign aimed at the European Parliament elections in early June. The campaign invites citizens to ask candidates to sign the Free Software Pact..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 5 days ago – Made popular 15 years 5 days ago
Category: Government   Tags:

The Free Software Pact Initiative


"Welcome to the Free Software Pact Initiative! Free Software advocacy associations April [...] and "Associazione per il software libero" (Italy) have launched a joint campaign aimed at the European Parliament elections in early June 2009. The campaign invites citizens to ask candidates to sign the "Free Software Pact".

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 2 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 2 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Welcome to Gna!


"...Loïc Dachary (who also started GNU Savannah) and several former GNU Savannah maintainers set up "Gna!" as a continuation of the Savannah project, but this would be hosted on servers owned by the Free Software Foundation France..." -- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gna!
* http://fsffrance.org/

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 36 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:

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