So, here's my question: what is Novell talking about? How can we believe that Microsoft has agreed to indemnify GPLv3 code, when it has publicly stated it would rather leap off the Grand Canyon than touch it with a pinky?
Read more »Prior Art - What's a Claim Limitation?
Google's Law
"Google has become, for the majority of Americans, the index of choice for online information. Through dynamically generated results pages keyed to a near-infinite variety of search terms, Google steers our thoughts and our learning online. It tells us what words mean, what things look like, where to buy things, and who and what is most important to us.
Read more »The Last Lawyer In Town
"...Eben mentioned that there was a moral duty for the “last lawyer in town” to take someone on as a client so that person will be able to receive some legal help. This seems to normally apply in cases of unpopular clients or with people who can’t afford to hire a lawyer.
Read more »Very Bad News for Darl and Ralph
With another surrogate stepping up to engage Linux metaphorically minutes after SCO's corporate death, IBM can hardly ignore how the game is being played. "Disproportionate Response" is the only strategy that makes sense, otherwise Linux's champions will have to deal and fight one puppet corporation after another.
Read more »Class Action: Is Microsoft’s Windows “Genuine Advantage” program installed on your computer?
Is Microsoft’s Windows “Genuine Advantage” program installed on your computer? Did you want it? Did Microsoft ask you before they installed it on your computer? If you feel that what Microsoft’s did with its Genuine Advantage program was wrong – there is something you can do about it.
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OSI approves Microsoft licenses
"The Open Source Initiative has announced that the OSI Board has approved the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) and the Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL) as satisfying the criteria of the Open Source Definition, following their submission in August..."
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How To Kill The Patent Threat Against Linux
One of the biggest clubs held over the head of Linux and Open Source as of late has been the threat of patent litigation. Microsoft has been at the forefront of this effort, boldly and defiantly claiming that Linux and Open Source infringes on approximately 235 of them. But they’re not the only one.
Read more »Exclusionary Agreement Grievance Gets Airing in Novell-Microsoft Suit
One of the biggest gripes the FOSS community has with respect to Microsoft's business tactics is that its longstanding exclusionary agreements with hardware vendors has stifled genuine competition. This is the very issue of one of two claims Novell will be allowed to press against Microsoft in their anti-trust lawsuit.
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Is Apple violating GPL?
"...I have not checked Python license, but Ruby is under GPL as you can check here: [...] According to this Apple must expose the entire source code of their OS or make "other distribution arrangements". I wonder what FSF lawyers have to say about that..."
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Plaintiff: Open Source Not on Trial in Linux Suit
The nation's first Linux patent suit currently facing Red Hat and Novell isn't about open source at all. Or so the plaintiff says.
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IP firm sued, settled with Novell on different patent in August
The IP firm that filed patent litigation against Red Hat and Novell mounted legal threats against many other U.S. software companies in 2007 including Oracle, SAP, Computer Associates, EMC, Adobe, Autodesk, Apple, SPSS — and Novell.
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Google fails to sign industry User Generated Content guidelines
If Google does not sign up to the User Generated Content guidelines created by the big players in the movie and video entertainment business, could this mean the start of the end of YouTube? And of free video sharing services as we know them?
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Medsphere: It's Over
Medsphere Systems Corporation today announced that all legal disputes involving the company and Steve and Scott Shreeve have been settled and resolved by mutual agreement of the parties.
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GnuTLS Release Removes TLS Authorization Due to Patent Issue
GnuTLS, which released version 2.0.2 last week, removed the TLS Authorization capability, due in part to an effort to circumvent the IETF standardization process.
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Links about today's MS-EC deal
"Some links about today's announcment by the European Commission that an agreement has been reached with Microsoft about the anti-trust case."
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