In IT, certification is a big deal. Try as professional societies like the ACM and ACS might, there’s no universal qualification – like the accountant’s CPA – that states you are recognised as competent and capable. This is where vendor certifications fill a gap.
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Index of open source clinic management systems ?
Just bumped into this question which asked "Which open source clinic management system you will recommend which has Patient ,Drug Management and also synchronization with clinic inventory?".
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Linux kernel gains virtual SAN drivers
The mainline Linux kernel will gain new support this quarter for virtualized SANs (storage area networks). Emulex says its LightPulse virtual HBA driver gives each virtual machine (VM) on an enterprise storage server independent access to the SAN peripheral, through a shared HBA (host-bus adapter).
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Akaza Research Awarded NIH Grant for Open Source Clinical Trials Platform
Akaza Research, LLC announced today that it has been awarded a two-year Phase II SBIR grant from the National Institutes of Health to continue development of the open source clinical trials data capture system, OpenClinica.
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Can Linux Save the UMPC?
Regardless of whether you think that the UMPC needs saving or not, it is clear that the ultra-mobile PC has not been the success that manufacturers had hoped it would be. These systems, which are now generally in or approaching their second generation, seemed great when they were announced, but were unable to hit reasonable price points.
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Silicon wafer test systems switch to Linux
A vendor of high-end test and measurement equipment for the semiconductor fabrication market has switched to Linux. Keithley Instruments said its S600 Series Parametric Test Systems are more stable and have a longer service life, now that their embedded control computer runs Linux instead of Solaris.
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Google’s open access challenge
You can have the money if you break the monopoly. That’s the summary of Google’s proposal for 700MHz, as laid out in a letter from CEO Eric Schmidt to the FCC. Google will bid up to $4.6 billion for spectrum if it gets open access rules on it.
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How Linux Will Enter the Legal Market
I wanted to wrap up the general thread of the last three posts I wrote regarding Linux in the law office, as from some of the comments posted, I believe some of the points I had made were unclear.
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The open industry group overseeing the PowerPC architecture has gained seven new members, including two more embedded Linux providers. now boasts 35 corporate members, including semiconductor vendors, embedded design service companies, chip design tool vendors, chip foundries, OEMs (original equipment manufacturers), and hardware and software vendors.
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HP Earns Top International Linux Security Certification
HP has been awarded a top international Linux security certification that will help government agencies and enterprise customers reduce costs while implementing secure solutions on the company's industry-standard hardware.
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GNUmed released
The new version sports few new features but rather quite a few changes under the hood. Software errors are handled much better in a way that they can be easily reported to the developers.
The so called slave mode has proven to be stable on MS Windows and is in use now daily.
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Some VistA Myths and Facts
There is always myths that surround the Veterans Affairs (VA) VistA Electronic Health Record. I have not found a compendium of these myths and the facts so I wrote this list. As well I was partially inspired by Fred Trotter's recent 'Antiquated or Proven?' response to a detractor of VistA. Please feel free to add to this list by replying below.
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Possible New Open-Source Intel Innovation
It appears that later this month Intel will be announcing a new technology that will be open-source. While what exactly is being launched is not known, from the information provided it is an open-source Intel technology that may deal with optimizing your software to take advantage of multiple computing cores.
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Linux Powered Robot Dog
Bj looks a lot like an evil AIBO, with its black finish and blue glowing eyes. So what, you might say, who cares about yet another robot dog?
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Girls get grounding in gigabytes
"The 30 girls sitting in the Harrington Learning Center at Quinsigamond Community College yesterday were far past VCRs, however. The group of 10- to 14-year-olds was busy installing and configuring the Linux operating system on computers they had finished building. "
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