
Some shadowy ring of Ip-criminals ripping off the industry for millions of dollars? No, just a poor, single mother of three, who shared a few songs on the internet. How will the soulless, greedy industry operatives benefit? More high-grade nose-candy, and new Porsches for all.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 17 years 2 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
aboutblank's picture


17 years 2 weeks 2 hours 7 min ago


This is free software related?

This is free software related?

lozz's picture


17 years 2 weeks 36 min 2 sec ago


I think so. FSD has the *Opposition*

I think so. FSD has the *Opposition* category for articles dealing with the likes of M$ and with those companies trying to enforce DRM and DMCA provisions onto hapless consumers. I think this article aptly demonstrates some of the down-side of those legal provisions. These ultra-wealthy, mega-corporations are busy trying to crush little people rather than organised criminal enterprises raking in massive illicit profits. They do this sort of thing to scare all normal users from even thinking of copying a file to give to some-one else. This is just like Microsoft's prosecution of school-kid, Mike Rowe, who attempted to launch a site called MikeRoweSoft; an over-the-top legal reaction like crushing a peanut with a sledge-hammer. The *Fear* component of FUD.

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