
Have you tried Vista and wound up with one of the many horror stories? Tech website DVICE wants to hear your story. They're even willing to put up a prize for the best Vista horror tale: a new 2 GB Toshiba Gigabeat MP3 player. Just head over to DVICE.com and post your story in their comments section by 5pm Friday. The best story wins the prize.

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sharkswithlazers's picture
Created by sharkswithlazers 16 years 7 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
Smegzor's picture


16 years 7 weeks 1 day 9 hours ago


Direct link to actual article


Can we please try to limit the number of hops to get at stories to say 2? This story is 3 hops away. I don't mind having to click through one extra page within fsdaily to get at stories (though why we do that is a mystery).

dave's picture


16 years 7 weeks 1 day 8 hours ago


One extra page within fsdaily...

"I don't mind having to click through one extra page within fsdaily to get at stories (though why we do that is a mystery)."

I'm guessing the "one extra page within fsdaily" you are referring to is the page on fsdaily that olds the comments, full description and other other information for the story that is being linked to. We don't link direct to the story straight from our homepage because then people would likely never actually make and read comments on FSDaily which is done fairly rarely at the moment. We feel that discussion is one of the integral parts of a social news hub and that it should be encouraged.

Reading the comments section helps readers to decide whether it's worth reading the article at all, points out interesting things to take note of when reading the article, provides additional information and explanation, allows opinions to be shared, and generally encourages discussion.

The only ways we can encourage commenting to take place is to use these internal story pages and to award karma to those who gain votes for their comments. To this end, I recommend voting on the comments that you agree with or find interesting, insightful, funny, and/or useful.

I hope that solves the mystery for you.

Oh and I changed the link so it goes straight to the DVICE post.

Smegzor's picture


16 years 6 weeks 6 days 23 hours ago


Yeah that page. I love this

Yeah that page.

I love this site, visit it lots and vote on stuff that interests me.
There are plenty of stories I read without voting also. I doubt that number of votes or comments comes anywhere close to number of page views and click-throughs.

dave's picture


16 years 6 weeks 6 days 18 hours ago


You have no idea how correct you are

"I doubt that number of votes or comments comes anywhere close to number of page views and click-throughs."

We have quite a lot of traffic but only a fraction of a percent of the community actually participates by voting or commenting. Unfortunately, people new to the site are probably misled into thinking the site is a bit of a ghost town with only 30 or so voters.

Best karma users