
Mono Team Puts MS’s GPL-incompatible Licence & Patents-encumbered Software Inside GNU/Linux

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
arito's picture


14 years 36 weeks 2 days 7 hours ago


Voting done MONO stories

Some people seem to vote done every story - informative or not - that criticizes MONO in some way. I don't think this is a service to the community.

lozz's picture


14 years 35 weeks 6 days 13 hours ago


M$-Mono trolls

There's lots of M$ trolls still loose in the wilds of the internet.

M$ encourages them to squash any stories telling the truth about Ballmer, and Novell, and Mono.

Ballmer would like to see an internet filter that only allows M$ propaganda through. In fact, M$ started building one and called it .NET.

This was the father of Mono.

Dhraakellian's picture


14 years 35 weeks 5 days 14 hours ago


Not every anti-anti-mono voter is a shill

This is not to say, of course, that none of them are, but there are some who are merely sick and tired of the controversy and vitriol flying around.

I don't necessarily like Mono, politically speaking, and I don't hate it with every fiber of my being. I'm quite willing to vote up stories critical of Mono and Microsoft's dealings with it.

What I do *not* want to vote up is the attitude that Novell, de Icaza, and anyone else who approves of Mono is automatically a shill or is so infested by the MS taint that they are no longer capable of doing any good.

I usually just ignore BoycottNovell stories, not because they're wrong (indeed, they often have important points to make) but because I disapprove of their tone and, to some extent, their mindset. Others feel more strongly about this and aren't content to simply ignore.

I think there's a fair bit of zeal and idealism turned nasty on both sides. Yes, freedom needs to be protected. Yes, troubled Free software projects can be worth fighting for. It would be nice, however, if both sides could engage in cool-headed discussion without roasting the other and automatically presuming malicious intent.

lozz's picture


14 years 35 weeks 4 days 19 hours ago


Fair attitude

Boycott Novell may be a bit gung ho at times, but they tend to loathe the same things that I do.

I have a deep ideological distaste for what Microsoft and Novell did, and still intend to do, to Free Software.

Novell remind me of a jackal, hoping to feed off the scraps left over after the lion finishes gorging on his prey.

Watching a great Free Software developer, like Miguel de Icaza, running with these carrion-eaters, turns my stomach.

Microsoft, from its earliest days, was founded on a culture of blatant theft from, and destruction of, all who stood in their path to world domination.

Now, it is trying to steal all the hard work that has gone into Free Software over the last two decades, before destroying it and making more obscene profits from the theft.

Mini-me, Ron Hovesepian, hopes some scraps will fall his way from Microsoft's feeding frenzy.

Boycott Novell continually points to where the Great Carnivore lays, waiting to destroy us.

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