
Microsoft is doing away with “reduced functionality mode” for individuals that its WGA activation and validation scheme deems to be running “non-genuine” software. The company also is plugging two WGA loopholes that pirates have been exploiting successfully.

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serdar's picture
Created by serdar 16 years 20 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
aboutblank's picture


16 years 20 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago


This is relevant because?

Windows is non-free software?

dave's picture


16 years 20 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago


It may not be relevant but...

It may not be relevant but it may be of interest to the free software community. Keeping tabs on free software's biggest opponent may be of interest. Let the voting decide.

candtalan's picture


16 years 20 weeks 6 hours 34 min ago


There is a threat

This is relvant because OLPC is such a potentially immense symbol of opposition to MS. MS is a threat to FOSS. This is category Opposition.
The most skilled threats are made in a way which people do not at first see, until a time when it is too late. Classic MS. By putting XP onto the OLPC, MS will blur the boundaries. You can be sure they will succeed, their reputation depends upon it. They already want to modify the hardware, they are already lobbying in opposition to OLPC and orders suffer.
Embrace, Extend, Exterminate - this is reported as MS tactics (note1) and is much like what they always (will) do if they cannot just immediately overwhelm. The OLPC is a great threat to MS in many ways, it simply cannot be let to survive as a clean and shining example of Alternative. Even as an education project. There may be things the FOSS community can do, but only if we are aware of the threats. Please Allow such news even if it is distasteful?

candtalan's picture


16 years 20 weeks 18 hours 12 min ago


We need to see what MS does!

Microsoft are the biggest threat to the free software community. If they make their products less objectionable, we have harder work to do. It is important to see the opposition. Why would you look away when in the middle of a serious conflict?

aboutblank's picture


16 years 20 weeks 16 hours 18 min ago


Ok I understand

I guess my view would be to promote only free software and just ignore non-free software. I wouldn't bother with dealing with the proprietors of non-free software unless they have a direct impact upon our liberties. Such impacts would be stuff like patents and patent lawsuits.

I know it's important to keep an eye on the actions of Microsoft, one of the largest threats to free software (the largest being the ignorance of the people of the harm of non-free software) but I don't understand how actions such as this applies to our community directly. Yes it includes Microsoft, but they're not making patent threats or spreading FUD about free software or promoting some psuedo-open standard in this article.

What they did do (according to this article) is make changes to their policy which does very little to negatively affect the free software community directly. So my question now would be, should we report the news whenever Microsoft sneezes? Because I consider articles such as this to be Microsoft sneezing as it has very limited impact upon the free software community. And if we do decide to report when Microsoft sneezes, what about the other major players of proprietary software such as Apple?

dave's picture


16 years 20 weeks 15 hours 42 min ago


What to do is entirely up to you (all)

Some of you will think it worthy to submit. Some will think it worth voting for. Others will disagree and vote the submissions down. Comments, of course, will be welcome.

I think this is what makes FSDaily great. If YOU don't like it, vote it down. If YOU have an opinion let it be heard.

You choose the news.

underthelinux's picture


16 years 20 weeks 11 hours 7 min ago


within reason, of course...

no freakin' LOLCATS, please. :)

candtalan's picture


16 years 20 weeks 6 hours 58 min ago


To submit, or not to submit

If deeply held opinions are stifled, then I know from my own reactions, that submissions will decline from those who are stifled or muted. I may not agree with news, or even understand some of it, however, others might. The subtraction vote (-) can be used to the advantage of the opposition when it is allowed *before* publication. It is powerful in its ability to censor in the early stages of publication. It is a bit too much like the struggle FOSS has in its uphill run. There is no guarantee that FOSS will endure. The Opposition is a category which may become a bit empty, and rustling sounds in the grass mean we can alert others, but maybe not in this forum?

bridget's picture


16 years 19 weeks 6 days 7 hours ago


The subtraction vote

I agree that the subtraction vote should be used as sparingly as possible; only for STRONG objection to that story. I also agree that Microsoft news NEEDS to be seen on the site. Keep your friends close, and a close eye on your enemies!! :-)

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