
The British Library's new collaboration tool is based on Microsoft's Codeplex technology, but free software campaigners question the openness of the project

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meteores's picture
Created by meteores 14 years 10 weeks ago
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lozz's picture


14 years 10 weeks 4 days 2 hours ago


"Open source" means M$

Like M$, the British Library would rather choke than utter the words, Free Software. Instead, they prefer Microsoft's semantic subterfuge of talking about "open source", which usually means free software that is locked into a M$ framework in some form, or another.

The British Library claims;

"the RIC research lifecycle framework to create a unique environment for biomedical research collaboration in the 21st Century."

If they've employed Microsoft's CodePlex fraud to create an "open source" application based on M$ patented Sharepoint technology, then they've been conned into creating something for M$ based on a financial model from the 18th and 19th Century, rather than something for the 21st Century.

Mr. Psychopath's picture

Mr. Psychopath

14 years 9 weeks 5 days 12 hours ago


Not Necessarily...

There are plenty of licenses out there that fall under the "Open Source" banner that aren't Microsoft-based licenses. BSD, APL, IBMPL, EPL, CDDL, Apache, Artistic 2.0, CPAL, the list goes on.

I believe it's simply unfair to lump the whole of "Open Source" together and brand it as bad just because it hails from a different school of thought.

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