
I've no doubt that this is the beginning of the end for GNU, and it will prove the strength of the larger free software world. The Free Software Foundation has dumped a load of restrictions on us with GPLv3 and told us that restrictions lead to freedom and that it is good for us. That's a little too Bush administration-like for me.

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tony's picture
Created by tony 16 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 43 weeks ago
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ozuess's picture


16 years 43 weeks 4 days 19 hours ago


oh, great. another gpl v3 FUD.

oh, great. another gpl v3 FUD. it's getting rather tiresome.
v3 is exactly what the free software community and movement needs. the gpl v2 was the most successful software license, and the v3 only corrects the errors/loopholes that were in it or got created as the industry developed. it poses no restrictions on users, but on exploiters. it restricts only those that want to take advantage of the contributions of other. so if any company wishes to restrict the freedom of other users and make the code non-free and equivalent (by locking hardware) they shouldn't enjoy the benefits of free software, nor the trust of developers and users.

aboutblank's picture


16 years 43 weeks 4 days 19 hours ago


Yep. If you understand the concept

Yep. If you understand the concept of "free software", all GPLs are simple: For this software, you (as the recipient) are allowed to practise all four freedoms of free software.

The legalese present in GPL3 are for this reason: For this software, you (as the recipient) are allowed to practise all four freedoms of free software //AND haha, don't try the funny stuff you did with GPL2 that deprives the user's free software rights.// Basically, the legalese exists for anyone who intends to distribute essentially proprietary gpl software e.g. Tivoised GNU/Linux distro or Patent encumbered GNU/Linux disto.

mattflaschen's picture


16 years 43 weeks 4 days 12 hours ago


I stopped reading at "and maybe

I stopped reading at "and maybe all of your other patents on other devices as well." (totally false). I guess the release of the final license can't stop rampant speculation about the contents.

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