Now you and I might have assumed that Apple would do something simple like test the world's most advanced operating system to see if it would destroy all that data *before* releasing it to the public.
Full story »Now you and I might have assumed that Apple would do something simple like test the world's most advanced operating system to see if it would destroy all that data *before* releasing it to the public.
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14 years 50 weeks 4 days 21 hours ago
Two lessons
There are two lessons to be gathered from this,,,no, three lessons.
Don't trust your valuable data in the so-called clouds.
If you are determined to do this stupid thing, at the very least, never trust proprietary software to keep your valuable data floating in the "clouds".
Finally, NEVER trust any M$ entity called DANGER to keep your valuable data floating in the "clouds".
Ballmer has a nasty sense of humour!