
The Perl Foundation has migrated Perl 5 to the Git version control system, making it easier than ever for Perl's development team to continue to improve the language that powers many websites.

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serdar's picture
Created by serdar 15 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 15 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:
techcrammer's picture


15 years 15 weeks 4 hours 9 min ago


PERL Rules

Well, it is good to know that Perl will be here for the long haul. I have been using it for years and am very happy that even though we can accept other languages such as PHP, Python and Ruby that Perl will always be there and maintains current development. I personally love Perl for creating quick command line scripts when bash is not enough. However, for web coding, PHP has honestly become the "P" in my LAMP, though many of my older web apps were in Perl and do a great job. The pattern matching is second to none in Perl and it certainly is the "all purpose" language. You'll never catch me running PHP from the command line, OK just once.

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