
Global Server Load Balancing is the automatic routing of users to the nearest / fastest server to them based on their source IP. Typically a GSLB solution requires expensive application switches at each site, and additional software licenses that run into the thousands of dollars. Issue 6 of o3 magazine, the free open source / enterprise digital magazine has end-to-end coverage on deploying Global Server Load Balancing with open source tools. This is not Linux Virtual Server, its not heartbeat or netfilter, this is a brand new Layer 7 solution using Nginx, Mongrel, Varnish Cache and OpenVPN. Find out all the details, including the configuration by visiting o3 magazine.

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geekyBodhi's picture
Created by geekyBodhi 17 years 2 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 2 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:
mattflaschen's picture


17 years 2 weeks 6 days 4 hours ago


How come I haven't heard of /any/

How come I haven't heard of /any/ of the programs they're using?

kaylat's picture


17 years 2 weeks 6 days 4 hours ago


OpenVPN is a popular application,

OpenVPN is a popular application, I am surprised you haven't heard of it. It is available at http://www.openvpn.net. Nginx has been around for awhile, its developers are Russian, I think its only recently that English documentation and web pages have been available. Varnish Cache is a relatively new project but its led by some kernel developers. Mongrel is the defacto standard for Rails these days. If you don't use Ruby or Rails, you might not be aware of it. All the urls are in the magazine.

Its amazing stuff, sure beats paying someone like F5 $60,000+ for a pair of GTM appliances!!

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