
I had the opportunity recently to test Linux, the freeware operating system, as a standalone, bootable CD. The version I tried was SimplyMEPIS 7.0, a configuration of the Linux OS and many popular open source programs, with a good graphic user interface (GUI).

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 16 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 18 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:
capricornus's picture


16 years 18 weeks 17 hours 54 min ago


MEPIS 7 is a winner, I think

I test them all, really, and my favorites are Mint, Mepis and Granular.
Especially MEPIS7 is so straightforward, intuitive, simple AND complete, that people don't believe it till they've seen it. And even then they ask themselves: why didn't we know this? What is God Gates hiding for our eyes?

Well, because a Sidux install went totally wrong, I lost all my MEPIS7, so I had to start all over again, and believe me, in less than an half our, I had it running, with CrossOver/Wine and even OfficeXP running.

You just don't believe me at all. Just try it out. You can't go wrong. You'll end up richer than you were before, and all that for FREE.

https://thegolux.myopenid.com/'s picture


16 years 18 weeks 12 hours 21 min ago


Freeware? Shareware?

Not much point reading a review of a GNU/Linux distro by someone who writes things like this:

"Linux, the freeware operating system"

and this:

"there are thousands of freeware and shareware Linux programs available online."

I don't expect or want to see reviews of "horseless carriages" in the auto pages either.

aboutblank's picture


16 years 18 weeks 7 hours 56 min ago


Understanding is the Key

We should understand all the issues involved here so that we can correct others in a way that they can relate with.

Many people are ignorant about software freedom. These people have learned to judge programs by how convenient it is and how much it costs to obtain. This is why they often make a point of programs being gratis or commercial. This is why they often complain that our free systems are less convenient because it is incompatible with their current investments in proprietary software and proprietary data.

Many people are not knowledgeable about the technical aspects of computer software and so, are often confused about how each program relates to each other. This includes the term "Operating System" which explains why people refer to "POSIX portable and not Linux specific" software as "Linux software" and why they refer to a "Linux Operating System" despite RMS's assertion that Linux one part of an OS and not a OS in itself.

Balzac's picture


16 years 17 weeks 4 days 9 hours ago


It's like asking someone not to eat at McDonalds.

If a person has never really had good food, they feel thankful, even for junk-food. They are emotionally connected to products like McDonalds Big Mac and Coca Cola, just as they are emotionally connected to Microsoft Windows.

It makes me a little sad to think of how emotionally connected people feel to their corn-syrup-laden, caffeinated, carbonated, phosphate beverage and their shredded mad-cow burgers and familiar Microsoft Windows.

We have to be patient with the "under-privileged" consumer-class who don't know yet that they deserve better.

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