
If you tallied up the strengths and weaknesses of Linux and Windows, which OS would come out ahead? According to Jack Wallen, superiority in security, flexibility, interoperability, community, and command-line power (among other things) put Linux well ahead. See if you agree with his assessment.

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leo's picture
Created by leo 16 years 24 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 24 weeks ago
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lozz's picture


16 years 24 weeks 2 days 4 hours ago


Great article, but....

If he'd used GNU/Linux instead of just "Linux" he'd have realised the potential trap in his #7 claim about Linus Torvalds being "(the creator of Linux)".

Yes, Torvalds is the creator of the bit of "Linux" that is the Linux kernel, but Torvalds is not the creator of the "Linux" which is the complex organisation of software and user/developer legal protections that is the GNU/Linux OS; Richard Stallman is.

Therefore, the greater part of that which comprises the GNU/Linux OS gets overlooked by using the easy term Linux instead of using the correct description GNU/Linux.

akf's picture


16 years 24 weeks 1 day 11 hours ago



It's not only in #7, but also in #9: "The Linux command line". Actually Linux itself doesn't even have a command line. The usual command line interpreter on GNU/Linux is bash, which was developed by the GNU people along with most of the different command line tools.

And just to prevent another misconception that may arouse from my post now: GNU is not only about the command line, but GNOME is also a GNU project.

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