
gNewSense is shifting to Debian codebase, shafting Mono, and the debate about Mono and Moonlight reaches new levels

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 24 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 24 weeks ago
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J.B.Nicholson-Owens's picture


14 years 24 weeks 4 days 15 hours ago


Still glad to run gNewSense GNU/Linux

I've been running gNewSense on some machine since it came out. Now I run nothing but gNewSense on my main computer at home. I value my software freedom highly and this OS does everything I need it to do. I'm at the point where, thanks to all you free software hackers out there, further enhancements of other operating systems just don't interest me; this does what I need a computer to do and I can develop what I want to make it do more.

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