gNewSense is shifting to Debian codebase, shafting Mono, and the debate about Mono and Moonlight reaches new levels
Full story »gNewSense is shifting to Debian codebase, shafting Mono, and the debate about Mono and Moonlight reaches new levels
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14 years 40 weeks 3 days 21 min ago
Still glad to run gNewSense GNU/Linux
I've been running gNewSense on some machine since it came out. Now I run nothing but gNewSense on my main computer at home. I value my software freedom highly and this OS does everything I need it to do. I'm at the point where, thanks to all you free software hackers out there, further enhancements of other operating systems just don't interest me; this does what I need a computer to do and I can develop what I want to make it do more.