
More translation is needed here, but things no longer sound very happy at openoffice.org.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 13 years 26 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:
benasselstine's picture


13 years 26 weeks 4 days 16 hours ago


conflict of interest

Yes, LibreOffice really is in competition with OpenOffice.org. Most users want a single office suite on their desktop. And only one program can open your .odf file when you double-click on it. Oowriter or lowriter -- which one will it be? In the world of competition, It will be the one that people prefer. In the real world it will be what their GNU+Linux distribution has by default. OO.org has already lost that battle.

The members of the OOoCC who are also on The Document Foundation really are in a conflict of interest. Oracle wants to know which booth will they stand in at a conference. Which software will they recommend to newbies. If they want to proselytize perfectly, they have to let somebody down. In the spirit of cooperation, TDF appears to be okay with that; while Oracle isn't.

That IRC meeting reads like hurt feelings. The spirit of cooperation in one way, from TDF to OO.org. The members in question could stand in both booths, and recommend both office suites to newbies. They can do what's best for both suites -- and the other members of the OOoCC (oracle employees) can acknowledge the conflict of interest and accept their help with thanks. After all, they're going to need it.

There won't be any confusion at all, when OO.org exits the majority of GNU+Linux desktops. Unless those Oracle employees can progress past the hurt feelings, it looks like OpenOffice.org is heading for a dusty place on a shelf beside StarOffice.

lozz's picture


13 years 26 weeks 4 days 13 hours ago


"Competition" = a rat-fight

Yeah, Oracle just don't get it and never will. They define "competition" the M$ way: a rat-fight to the death, with the biggest rat getting the lump of carrion.

The whole Free Software Community needs to do what they should have done when Novell joined M$;

Get out fast and leave it for the rats to fight over!

Oracle's idea of "competition" is not the Free Software way. Let's get the fork out of there!

Balzac's picture


13 years 25 weeks 4 days 12 hours ago


Good one.

Good one.

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