Linux development is more like a social network built on trusted relationships and less like a democratic community of individuals dedicated to a single development process, according to Linux creator Linus Torvalds.
Full story »Linux development is more like a social network built on trusted relationships and less like a democratic community of individuals dedicated to a single development process, according to Linux creator Linus Torvalds.
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16 years 37 weeks 2 days 22 hours ago
"the only thing that matters is actual code and the technology"
"the only thing that matters is actual code and the technology itself," Torvalds said. People unwilling to step up don't have a voice when all is said and done, he said.
How wrong he is... The vast majority of us who are not kernel developers do have a voice. We choose what we want to use from what is available.
Code and technology are not the only things which matters. Freedom matters.