
“We want to educate open-source developers. There are certain business rules [developers] need to obey, such as DRM, IPR [intellectual property rights], SIM locks and subsidised business models.”

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cpoliticas's picture
Created by cpoliticas 16 years 11 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 11 weeks ago
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motters's picture


16 years 11 weeks 5 days 15 hours ago


Nokia isn't alone

Nokia isn't alone. It seems to take a while for many companies wanting to take advantage of open source to fully grok what it's about. Big companies especially are highly reluctant to depart from previous monopolistic, restrictive or anti-competitive practices.

Balzac's picture


16 years 11 weeks 5 days 13 hours ago


Oh please, educate me, Nokia.

Nokia: “We want to educate open-source developers."

Oh please, educate me, Nokia. Actually, never-mind. Kiss my ass instead. BTW, I call it free software, not "open source".

Nokia: "There are certain business rules [developers] need to obey, such as DRM, IPR [intellectual property rights], SIM locks and subsidised business models.”

You think I need obey? I prefer civil disobedience. DRM? Why would I obey your plan to steal my freedom? "Intellectual property"? What's that? There is Copyright law and Patent law but to my knowledge, there is no "intellectual property" law.

It's a good idea to Boycott Nokia. They have an exceedingly imperious and arrogant attitude. Didn't they just buy Trolltech? Whichever pinhead from Nokia wrote this garbage just did a disservice to Trolltech. It makes Trolltech look like obedient "open source" developers who are in the process of being re-educated by Nokia.

stargrave's picture


16 years 11 weeks 5 days 12 hours ago



Yeah! Right things you say! 100% agreed and support!

Happy hacking

aboutblank's picture


16 years 11 weeks 4 days 16 min ago


Free Software Isn't Open Source

Free software is a socio-political movement, open source is a software development method. Nokia wants open source developers, not free software developers. They want to educate people about open source, not free software.

Debating free software is easier when you don't confuse it with open source.

Balzac's picture


16 years 11 weeks 3 days 8 hours ago


I agree.

But it's "open source" figure-heads who like to confuse the issue. They want to embrace and assimilate the Free Software movement by claiming there's no real differences, only that we free software advocates are unreasonable and they're pragmatic.

They like to take credit for good effects of the free software movement while undermining the free software movement. ESR is the best example of this.

Regardless of this, who is Nokia to re-educate any developer about what is right or wrong? They've only just hopped on the "open source" bandwagon.

fanen's picture


16 years 11 weeks 4 days 21 hours ago


wait a minute

I just saw a hurriedly written response to a troubling story (Nokia's comments). Now I have trouble deciding which is worse, the Nokia guy's statements, or Edulix's.

Seriously, if you set out to do a rebuttal, please make sure you have something to say first.

fortune: do unto others before they do to you

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