
«As an American and native English-speaker myself, I have previously been reluctant to suggest this, lest it be taken as a sort of cultural imperialism. But several native speakers of other languages have urged me to point out that English is the working language of the hacker culture and the Internet, and that you will need to know it to function in the hacker community.» — UTUTO on Lemote Yeeloong !! — VENENUX: Yet Another Free System Distribution !! —

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hacker's picture


14 years 33 weeks 1 day 5 hours ago


Hay una comunidad hacker que habla español

Lo sabìas? Quizà no te enteraste porque no hablas español, podrìas aprender. Està en tì. Saludos!

can.axis's picture


14 years 33 weeks 1 day 4 hours ago


communiquer pour travailler ensemble

Il y a des communautés qui parlent le russe, l'arabe, le japonais, l'italien, le hindî, etc... Mais si nous voulons communiquer et travailler ensemble sur des projets majeurs, il me semble plus pratique de parler anglais. Je suis désolé si je t'ai choqué, car j'ai beaucoup de respect pour la culture d'amérique latine... Pour toutes les cultures d'ailleurs!

hacker's picture


14 years 32 weeks 5 days 3 hours ago


Leo todos, escribo el mío

Yo no hablo ni escribo frances, pero trato de interpretar cualquier idioma, al menos los que derivan del latin y los sajones, y si no lo entiendo lo traduzcon con alguno de los numerosos traductores online. Lo ideal sería que todos podamos escribir en nuestro idioma nativo, y todos podamos comprender el idioma de los demas. Eso es bastante sencillo, es justo para todos y potenciaría fenomenalmente la comunicación entre todas las culturas.

dave's picture


14 years 32 weeks 3 days 1 hour ago


The languages I would learn...

I chose to begin learning Spanish because I understood that was the primary language spoken in more countries than any other language...

Sin embargo, mi español es no muy buena. Necesito practicar mucho más. Yo vivía en Nicaragua para diez meses tratando de aprender español, pero yo no obtuvo suficiente práctica conversar con los locales. Y fue muy difícil para mí entender, porque el acento de Nicaragüenses muy fuerte y que hablan muy rápido.

The other languages I would like to learn are Mandarin, Hindi, French and Arabic. Mandarin is spoken by more people on the planet than any other. Hindi is the third most spoken language after Mandarin and English. French and Arabic, like Spanish, are also spoken very widely.

I also want to learn Japanese just because I like the culture and I already study Aikido so it seems natural to learn the language.

I think that learning another language is one of the best things you can do as a person. That gives non-native-English speakers such an advantage because it is so easy to learn English... I have to clarify that while English is actually very hard to learn because it has so many exceptions to its grammatical and pronunciation "rules", it is very easy to learn because it's being spread by the world's most dominant culture (having such a small alphabet doesn't hurt).

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