Seems to me that any company becoming successful and having some sort of influence is a massive target for mindless ravings and rantings about how the said company is destroying the world. Of course I am referring to the latest series of rants and raves about Ubuntu, giving it a right good kicking. At the end of the day, does it matter? Fanboy this, fanboy that, mine's bigger than yours... my brother is bigger than your brother and my dad can have your dad with one hand tied behind his back, in fact my dad’s granny can have your dad in a fight... please, for the sake of all that is pointless and meaningless, give it up.
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16 years 43 weeks 6 days 14 hours ago
kind of stupid, given that canonical,
kind of stupid, given that canonical, you know, MAKES PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE
16 years 43 weeks 5 days 29 min ago
shouldn't really matter that much,
shouldn't really matter that much, if i got his point...