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Hmm, 18 years and they've made it all the way to a 0.2 stable release and K16 development release. Meanwhile, Wine is rapidly approaching 1.0, Linux is at 2.6.xx, and I'm even seeing people getting optimistic about a release of Duke Nukem Forever this year (or next year, or the year after, or whenever it's done).
But seriously, who would actually use GNU Hurd even if they reached a stable 1.0 release this year? GNU/Linux is fairly well entrenched by now, and the various BSDs make the market even more difficult to crack into at this point.
I'm really not sure that GNU Hurd has a market waiting for it any more.
What matters is not the market share or how long it will take. The GNU operating system is already used by millions of people all over the world. Hurd will be just one component of the overall system. The point is political: this will be a great treasure for Humanity...
I think the micro-kernel is a good idea and the monolithic kernel design has been carried on long past its expiration date.
Linus Torvalds still hasn't upgraded the Linux kernel to GPLv3 and he seems to think user freedom shouldn't be the top priority.
I'd like to find an alternative to the Linux kernel if he's going to carry on like this, in opposition to the protection of user freedoms and welcoming the intrusion of DRM into the Linux kernel project.
16 years 22 weeks 19 hours 54 min ago
Wise choice by Google.
The Hurd is a great project, but perhaps a bit before its time.
People were content to carry on with the old monolithic kernel for years longer.
I'm happy to see the Hurd getting some love from Google.
16 years 22 weeks 17 hours 11 min ago
GNU Hurd?
Hmm, 18 years and they've made it all the way to a 0.2 stable release and K16 development release. Meanwhile, Wine is rapidly approaching 1.0, Linux is at 2.6.xx, and I'm even seeing people getting optimistic about a release of Duke Nukem Forever this year (or next year, or the year after, or whenever it's done).
But seriously, who would actually use GNU Hurd even if they reached a stable 1.0 release this year? GNU/Linux is fairly well entrenched by now, and the various BSDs make the market even more difficult to crack into at this point.
I'm really not sure that GNU Hurd has a market waiting for it any more.
16 years 22 weeks 16 hours 3 min ago
A great treasure for Humanity
What matters is not the market share or how long it will take. The GNU operating system is already used by millions of people all over the world. Hurd will be just one component of the overall system. The point is political: this will be a great treasure for Humanity...
16 years 22 weeks 15 hours 18 min ago
I'd use GNU Hurd.
I think the micro-kernel is a good idea and the monolithic kernel design has been carried on long past its expiration date.
Linus Torvalds still hasn't upgraded the Linux kernel to GPLv3 and he seems to think user freedom shouldn't be the top priority.
I'd like to find an alternative to the Linux kernel if he's going to carry on like this, in opposition to the protection of user freedoms and welcoming the intrusion of DRM into the Linux kernel project.