
Open-Xchange, Inc. today announced a comprehensive feature update for Open-Xchange Server 5. The upgrade adds more than 50 usability improvements to the Linux-based collaboration suite.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 17 years 16 weeks ago
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17 years 16 weeks 2 days 15 hours ago


I really really really can't wait

I really really really can't wait for a Free Software option to exchange.. I have try to introduce Open-Xchance a couple times in my corporate environment but is always there problem of the calendar one way or another.. is not that it wont work because it does but there is always 2/3 bugs that will make the decision makers on the administrative department to say.. I can't work with it.. :-(
I really will love for OpenExchange or any other to keep everything freesofware and at the same time compite with Exchange and kill it.

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