
I spotted four key developments in the Linux market -- including a possible surprise announcement from Hewlett-Packard Co. Here's a rundown of key open source developments investors should watch over the next few days.

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Created by dave 17 years 8 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 8 weeks ago
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17 years 8 weeks 2 hours 45 min ago


Key Developments!? SUN has been

Key Developments!?

SUN has been liking Linux on the desktop for years. In 2003, for instance they started planting their Java desktop on Linux boxes in China, 500000 of them...

see http://www.betanews.com/article/1069314819

Novell has been doing a lot more than Suse. Gotta love Evolution and Beagle!

So RedHat is missing Ubuntu - Live. They are competitors in the real sense. What would RedHat get from the exposure? They are known the world round and have contributed greatly to Linux long before Suse became a gleam in Novell's eye.

Speculation about HP and Ubuntu? Ubuntu is in business to make money. They are wheeling and dealing around the world. It is not surprising that HP and Ubuntu talk. It would be surprising if they did not. HP has had a Linux play for years. They might want to get some momentum from Ubuntu.

So, I think TFA is not very newsworthy although it is not a waste of time to read about the community. If I were writing such an article, I would probably include the Dell thing with mention of M$ and Novell.

How about GPLv3? It is either the greatest thing since sliced bread of a tempest in a teapot. M$ noticed...

How about market share? Ubuntu et al are growing rapidly and yet IDC has not published anything recently. FireFox is eating IE for lunch and yet GNU/Linux is supposedly langushing around 1% by some accounts. Not very likely with a good FLOSS development model and vibrant community.

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